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Swedish name: Fördjupad klinisk bedömning och behandling för psykologprogrammet
This syllabus is valid: 2023-01-02 and until further notice
Syllabus for courses starting after 2023-01-02
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-08-22 and 2023-01-01
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-01-03 and 2022-08-21
Syllabus for courses starting between 2021-01-04 and 2022-01-02
Syllabus for courses starting between 2019-03-04 and 2021-01-03
Syllabus for courses starting between 2018-12-31 and 2019-03-03
Syllabus for courses starting between 2018-08-27 and 2018-12-30
Syllabus for courses starting before 2018-08-26
Course code: 2PS191
Credit points: 18
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level: Psychology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Psychology
Revised by: Head of Department of Psychology, 2023-02-23
PsykiatriHerlofson Jörgen, Ekselius Lisa, Lundin Anders, Mårtensson Björn, Åsberg MarieUpplaga 2:1 : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2016 : 879 sidor : ISBN: 978-91-44-09497-7MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue
PersonlighetspsykiatriKarterud Sigmund, Wilberg Theresa, Urnes Öyvind1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2014 : 573 s. : ISBN: 9789144077024MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue
Herlofson JörgenMini-D 5 : diagnostiska kriterier enligt DSM-5-TRUppsala : Pilgrim press : [2022] : lxi, 385 sidor : ISBN: 9789198007947MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue
Susana Urbina Essentials of Psychological Testing2 : John Wiley & Sons Incorporated : 2014 : Online access for UMUBMandatory
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5.5. ed. : Arlington, Va. : American Psychiatric Association : cop. 2013 : 947 s. : ISBN: 9780890425558 (pbk. : alk. paper)MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue