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Perspectives - Skills Supply in the North

Time Friday 2 June, 2023 at 12:15 - 13:00
Place Online

You are warmly welcome to a lunchtime webinar in Umeå University's new conference and event series, Perspectives. In this session, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the labor market and workforce development in the ongoing societal transformation in the north. What are the needs and what does research say in this area?


  • Emelie Hane-Weijman
    Postdoctoral researcher in Cultural Geography at the Department of Geography
    Umeå University
    Emelie investigates, among other things, how industries and skills can be matched to ensure the right person ends up in the right workplace.

  • Sofia Hylander
    Investigator in Education and Transition at TCO (The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees)
    TCO brings together 12 different trade unions and advocates for issues that affect professionals' social, labor-related, economic, and professional interests.

Are you interested?

Register for the webinar here, and we will send you a link the day before.

Everyone is welcome to participate!


Event type: Seminar
Martin Englund
Read about Martin Englund