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Unbounded envelopes of plurisubharmonic functions

Time Wednesday 23 March, 2022 at 15:15 - 16:00
Place Zoom

Speaker: Mårten Nilsson, Faculty of engineering, Lund University

Abstract: In this presentation, we study envelopes (point-wise suprema) of families of plurisubharmonic functions, i.e. subharmonic functions whose compositions with biholomorphic mappings are still subharmonic. Such envelopes occupy a central position within pluripotential theory as they for example (under suitable assumptions) constitute the unique solution to the Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge-Ampère operator. Specifically, we study families defined on a bounded domain in C^n, bounded from above by a function continuous in the extended reals. Given some assumptions on the singularities, we establish a set where the envelope is guaranteed to be continuous. As an application of the methods involved, we are able to construct unique solutions to certain complex Monge-Ampère equations where the boundary data is unbounded.

Event type: Seminar
Antti Perälä
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