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Image: Elin Berge

About The Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The faculty management at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities consists of Dean Christer Nordlund, Professor, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Vice Deans Marlene Johansson Falck, Professor, Department of Language Studies, Phil Buckland, Associate Professor, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies and Marcus Zaar Head of Deans Office.

The Faculty is led by the Faculty Board which is responsible for the research, the postgraduate and undergraduate educations.

The faculty board's teacher representatives are appointed by election from the faculty's teachers and researchers. The student unions appoint student representatives. The current faculty board's term of office began on 1 July 2021.

To its assistance the faculty board has a number of committees which prepares issues in various topics. There is also a Deans office where officials work with the preparation of the faculty board's cases, coordinate and implement projects.

The departments and units at the faculty are the workplaces for our students, teachers and researchers, administrators, technical staff, etc. Organizationally, they lie directly under the faculty board and are led by their respective heads and managers.

Latest update: 2023-10-18