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Image: Malin Grönborg

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities

We teach and conduct research in the fields of language, religion, history, archaeology, philosophy, history of ideas, art, literature, ethnology, media and culture.


Read more about the research conducted at departments and units and about research infrastructures.


The Faculty offers 13 undergraduate and 5 master's programmes and a wide selection of freestanding courses.


Gruppbild på doktorander och lärare från den Arktiska forskarskolan, utanför campusdammen
Interdisciplinary focus at the Arctic Graduate School’s kick-off

The Arctic Graduate School had a kick-off for the school's Doctoral students and their supervisors.

Två mindre bassänger utomhus.
Receives SEK 15 million: Will create degradable plastic – from algae

Biomass from algae is converted into plastic used in lamps and packaging.

Illustration av hur planeten Mars samverkar med solvinden
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate, a study in Nature shows.

Botnsdalur aerial
Scholarships for students and researchers to discover Iceland

Explore Iceland with Scholarships from the Royal Skytteanska Society. Apply by October 11

Sofie Björklund, Forskningsassistent vid Kemiska institutionen
Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration

Common PFAS substances are difficult to capture once they have entered the environment, new thesis shows.

Čuonjávággi i Abisko nationalpark.
Joint field work furthers research on chemicals in Arctic waters

A research group conducted joint field work with USA in Abisko and Lake Torneträsk to collect HNP samples.