All doctoral students are entitled to at least 100 hours of supervision per year of full-time study, as decided by the vice-chancellor.
The principal supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the research conducted by the doctoral student complies with the applicable ethical guidelines and that there is a functioning time schedule and funding plan for the thesis project.
The principal supervisor shall:
together with the doctoral student, draw up an individual study plan and consult a reference person
together with the examiner, create the conditions for the doctoral student to achieve the individual objectives set out in the study plan and the national qualitative targets
create the conditions for adequate resources for the thesis project
ensure that the doctoral student can participate in doctoral courses, seminars and conferences
ensure that the doctoral student receives supervision for at least 100 hours per year
ensure that the thesis work progresses so that the work is completed within the stipulated time
ensure that the thesis meets the requirements that can be placed on an academic thesis in terms of both quality and scope
together with the head of department, propose faculty opponents and members of the grading committee
Training for supervisors
To be appointed as a principal supervisor you must have completed the Centre for Educational Development's (UPL) course "Postgraduate Supervision in Practice" or equivalent. Further training is then required through a half-day course for research supervisors. (The Faculty Board 2020-05-12)
Postgraduate supervision in practice UPL
The Faculty´s half-day course for supervisors spring term 2024: 13 March and 8 May. Application to