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Published: 2019-05-14

Studying governance with a focus on crisis and conflict

PROFILE Alma Livingstone is currently enrolled in the Master's Programme in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding.

Image: Alma Livingstone

Before commencing her master studies, alma received a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Governance and Administration from Umeå University.

- The focus of my bachelor was in peace and conflict studies, so my interest has been clear throughout my university studies. The Master's Programme in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding suited me and my aspirations quite well, combining national and international governance with a focus on crisis and conflict, two issues that draws my attention.

SNES conference in Växjö

All students at the the Master's Programme in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding have the possibility to participate in the The Swedish Network for European Studies (SNES) spring conference. 2019 the conference took place in April at the Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. SNES brings together academics, including graduate students, from across Sweden and Europe. The theme for the 2019 conference was “Democracy at the crossroads - european changes and challenges”.

- The chance to attend the conference was presented when I took a course regarding the relationship between the European Union and Sweden as a member state. Studying governance, it felt like an opportunity I (and most of my classmates) didn’t want to pass up. As a newbie to conferences in general I didn’t know what to expect. When the programme and the papers were introduced however, it felt like I made the right choice. Before the conference I got acquainted with a few of the researchers and papers so that I wouldn’t go in completely blind. As a master student I was a bit worried my knowledge and experience would prove insufficient. Luckily that was not the case, says Alma Livingstone.

Atmosphere of ease, respect and helpfulness

- My friends and I were all excited to experience the conference and visit the Växjö campus, something most of us had never done before. It all turned out pretty well. Discussing the papers and topics presented with the other participants, both presenting researchers and other students attending provided new ideas and perspectives. It also reduced some of the grand illusions I had of the researcher world. The seriousness I expected wasn’t present. Instead, I was greeted with an atmosphere of ease, mutual respect and a sense of helpfulness. It was a fun experience and I’m glad I took the time to go!

After graduating, Alma Livingstone is open to most career paths.
- I can’t say I have a dream career at the moment. Now I’m not completely sure where I want to end up, but through my studies I have become more interested in national crisis management and defense. If you are planning to apply to the Master's Programme in Crisis Management and Peacebuilding you should be prepared to study! It may go without saying but this master programme is not a way of killing time, you won’t have much of it anyway. The interdisciplinary nature of crisis management and peacebuilding provides a lot of freedom but will also test your ability to successfully navigate your own research and skills. With that said, it’s also so much fun!