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Doctoral education

Doctoral education refers to third-cycle education.

Admission regulations for doctoral education at Umeå University

Admission regulations for doctoral education at Umeå University

The Admission Regulations for Doctoral Education describes both national regulations and Umeå University provisions for the advertisement, application and admission to a study place aimed towards a Doctoral degree or Licentiate degree. The Admission Regulations also describe what entry requirements are applicable to applicants and how selection and transfer of credits for admission should take place prior to admission. Finally, the Admission Regulations also describe the prerequisites for funding, individual study plans and supervision in the case of admission.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Education and research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-861-21
Validity: 2021-07-01-until further notice
Approved by: University Board
Date of approval: 2021-06-09
Replaces document: FS 1.1-760-19 (2019-06-11)

Admission regulations for doctoral education at Umeå University

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy

Internationalisation policy for Umeå University.

Type of document: Policy
Office in charge: International Office
Field: First- and Second-Cycle Education, Third-cycle education, Research
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-212-22
Validity: 4 March 2022 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-03-04
Replaces document: FS 1.1.1-284-14

Internationalisation policy for Umeå University

Procedures for documenting information in Ladok - third-cycle at Umeå University

Procedures for documenting information in Ladok - third-cycle at Umeå University

The procedures for documenting information in Ladok for third-cycle studies at Umeå University aim to create a uniform and functioning method for managing information about all of the University’s doctoral students. These procedures guarantee high quality information management that is efficient, legally secure, and equal. This will enable the creation of more relevant data for both internal and external parties. These procedures will provide support to administrative staff and teachers who process, take decisions, and document doctoral students’ activities and other details in Ladok. The procedures apply to all faculties, units and equivalent at Umeå University.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Third-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-77-19
Validity: 7 May 2019 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2019-05-07
Replaces document: Procedures for documenting information in Ladok for third-cycle studies at Umeå University (FS 1.1.2-1603-14) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 27 January 2015

Procedures for documenting information in Ladok - third-cycle at Umeå University

Procedures for establishing, discontinuing, revise, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation

Procedures for establishing, discontinuing, revise, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation

This procedure describes the process to establish, discontinue and change the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation at Umeå University. The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to quality assurance of the University’s range of third-cycle (doctoral) education.

Type of document: Procedures
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Third-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-2086-22
Validity: 16 December 2022 and until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2022-12-16
Replaces document: Procedure for establishing, discontinuing, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation at Umea University approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 26 February 2019 (FS 1.1-2404-18).

Procedures for establishing, discontinuing, revise, changing the name of a third-cycle subject area or specialisation for third-cycle subject area or specialisation

Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University 

Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University

This document regulates the administrative procedure for the withdrawal of supervision and other resources at Umeå University. It also describes the handling of appeals concerning a doctoral student’s application to regain his or her entitlement to resources. This administrative procedure applies to studies with a Doctoral degree as the intended degree or a Licentiate as the intending degree.

Type of document: Other
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Third-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1690-23
Validity: 13 October 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-10-13
Replaces document: Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University. Approved by the ViceChancellor on 17 December 2013, Dnr: 500-1981-13

Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University

Rules for doctoral education at Umeå University

Rules for doctoral education at Umeå University

These rules describe both national provisions and local Umeå University provisions for general syllabi and individual study plans, qualitative targets and intended learning outcomes. Furthermore, supervision, examiner, defence of the doctoral theses, licentiate seminars, degree certificates, joint and double degrees and credit transfers are also regulated through this document. Included in this rule is also the documentation in Ladok for third-cycle studies, extended doctoral studentship, teaching and learning in higher education for doctoral students, the role of the doctoral student coordinator, and conflict of interest.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Third-cycle education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1911-23
Validity: 13 October 2023 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2023-10-13
Replaces document: Rules for doctoral education at Umeå University (FS 1.1-1212-22) approved by the Vice-Chancellor on 1 July 2022

Rules for doctoral education at Umeå University

Quality system for education

Quality system for education

Umeå University has a coherent quality system for education that is integrated into the University’s operating cycle. The quality system is based on nine activities that support, develop and highlight our systematic quality work. These activities together encompass all of the University’s organisational levels and are implemented in different time cycles. This document describes these activities and how they contribute to both quality development and quality assurance.

Type of document: Rule
Office in charge: Planning Office
Field: Education
Reg. no.: FS 1.1-1324-18
Validity: 26 February 2019 until further notice
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date of approval: 2019-02-26

Quality system for education

Latest update: 2024-09-04