MIMS performs basic and translational research in molecular infection medicine and was established at Umeå University in 2007. MIMS is the home of the CRISPR/Cas9 discovery, a technology that eventually led to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020. Major achievements in infection research cover the full range of viral, bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens.

From left to right: Emmanuelle Charpentier, former MIMS Group Leader, with Bernt Eric Uhlin, Founding Director of MIMS, and Oliver Billker, current Director of MIMS, at the "10 year of MIMS" celebration in 2019.
ImageEva-Maria Diehl, Johan Gunseus, Johan Gunseus www.gunseus.comThe Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) at Umeå University is an internationally leading institute for basic infection research with a national task of linking Swedish researchers to the growing network of excellence centres of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Tackling current infection challenges relies crucially on effective integration of basic science and clinical practice in the context of international co-operation. Our vision is for MIMS to capitalize on its unique strengths and network to help Swedish infection researchers meet these challenges.
MIMS is the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. The Nordic EMBL Partnership is a major strategic player in Europe’s molecular understanding of disease mechanisms, thanks to its complementary research expertise, outstanding research infrastructures and industry collaborations.
The Nordic EMBL Partnership strives to retain and attract the very best international research talent, through providing an excellent research environment for young, talented researchers with the aim that they will continue their scientific careers in one of the Nordic countries. By extending the EMBL’s recognized research strengths in areas such as cell biology and biophysics, developmental biology, genome biology and bioinformatics and structural biology; the individual nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine contribute with their own complementary strengths. Each Nordic partner has adopted the EMBL model for international recruitment, staff turnover and scientific reviews.
Since its foundation in 2007, MIMS fosters the next generation of group leaders to conduct high-risk, ground-breaking research in infection medicine. MIMS is well-integrated in the local research environment, where nearly 100 research groups and clinicians are organized in the Umeå Centre for Microbial Research to collaborate broadly, connecting chemical and structural biology to in vivo infection models and clinical data. Having emerged from this strong research ecosystem, MIMS now uses its close ties to the Nordic EMBL Partnership to the benefit of not only the local environment, but also Swedish science more generally.
MIMS Group Leader positions come with an attractive start-up package, access to state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure and ample opportunities to engage with a wide and inspiring international research community. Clinical research units are available at the University Hospital of Umeå and the vibrant life science activities in Northern Sweden include growing research and startup activities.
Top picture: Members of the MIMS community at the mingle during a MIMS Scientific Symposium.
Latest update: 2024-09-08 Page editor: Nora Lehotai