The CRISPR-Cas9 genetic scissors, the discovery of which was recognised with a Nobel Prize, has been called one of gene technology’s sharpest tools. It was developed by Emmanuelle Charpentier at Umeå University and others and has contributed to significant scientific advances in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. Today, scientists around the world are using genetic scissors in their work, including in Umeå.
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden
MIMS is the Swedish partner in the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine
Calls open, apply now!
MIMS Group Leader in Molecular Infection Medicine
The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden; MIMS, is looking for an excellent young researcher to become Group Leader for innovative research in molecular infection medicine. The topic includes but is not limited to research on the biology of bacteria, viruses, parasites and the microbiome and how these interact with the immune system of the host. MIMS has a strong track record of research into microbial (including viral) pathogenesis, and provides excellent access to national research infrastructure, including cutting edge cryo-electron microscopy and animal biosafety level 3 (ABSL3) facility. All areas in basic molecular infection medicine research are welcome!
We offer an attractive Group Leader package based on the EMBL Group Leader model with long-term funding for up to 9 years. MIMS is the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine.
Application period closes: 28 February 2025. Find full description and apply here.
MIMS Clinical Research Fellowship call opens soon
PhD Student and Postdoctoral Researcher Positions and Fellowships
Several open postdoctoral positions and fellowships are available in the field of molecular medicine at MIMS and across the nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. Also the NORPOD collaborative postdoctoral programme welcomes applications for cross-node research projects.
Find the list of all open calls here.
From the Umeå lab to around the world – how genetic scissors are now being used
The evolution of the immune system – love at first sight
Ryo Morimoto unpacks many moving boxes from Germany and sets up snail aquariums while establishing his new laboratory at Umeå University. “I believe I might be the first researcher to introduce snails as an experimental system in Umeå,” he says enthusiastic with a smile.
Important new funding for research on virus factories
Lars-Anders Carlson, MIMS Investigator, received SEK 24 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to understand how the virus factories that are built up in our cells work.
Discovery at Umeå University awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
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