Contact us

MIMS is located in the city of Umeå, Sweden. We are situated at the University Hospital of Umeå campus, neighbouring the main Umeå University campus.

If you would like to get in touch with MIMS, you can contact any of the following persons:

MIMS Management

Sonja Viljamaa, coordinator at MIMS

Sonja Viljamaa

Sonja Viljamaa

Project and Event Coordinator

MIMS visiting and postal address

Department of Molecular Biology
Biomedicine Building 6K and 6L,
University Hospital of Umeå
901 87 Umeå

Tel +46 (0) 90 785 67 64

Latest update: 2024-08-22 Page editor: Nora Lehotai

Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine

Supporting organisations