Excellence in Teaching scholarship to Lecturer in Chemistry
Åsa Nilsson Lindgren, Lecturer in Chemistry at Umeå University gets a scholarship to participate in the programme Excellence in Teaching stationed at Ohio State University.
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT, wishes to encourage increased exchange between Swedish and foreign higher education institutions as regards higher education and the development of new education methods. Therefore they offer scholarships to give university teachers the possibility to experience teaching in a foreign university of very high quality.
Åsa Nilsson Lindgren, lecturer in Chemistry at Umeå University receives one of ten desirable scholarships, and will during fall 2012 stay as a visiting lecturer at Ohio State University in the USA. The university offers education of very high quality. She was very pleased to receive the news.
- It feels like it is time for new challenges and it will be very exciting to participate in this programme. I hope to get new experiences and ideas to bring to my home university after returning!, says she.
Åsa Nilsson Lindgren received her doctoral degree from Umeå University in 1984. After a postdoc position in Marseille she started to work at Draco AB in Lund. Then she returned to Umeå where she together with other people started the company Umetri, nowadays Umetrics. Åsa Nilsson Lindgren was managing director for ten years and after that she returned to the Department of Chemistry at Umeå University. She has been Director of Studies as well as head of Department and has during this time been teaching students at different levels.
About the programme Excellence in Teaching:
The STINT Programme for Excellence in Teaching aims to develop individuals as well as institutions. By offering Swedish teachers international experiences based on their role as teachers rather than as researchers, the Foundation wishes to contribute to the renewal of Swedish education and the creation of new academic networks. Participating institutions are strongly encouraged to learn from and use the experiences of the returning teachers in order to generate positive spillover effects. With the scholarship programme the Foundation wishes to stress that academic teachers need international references and experiences. www.stint.se/en