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Published: 2022-04-29

Further measures to ensure a safer university

NEWS The University Management has now picked out some measures aimed to improve the work towards a safer place for studies and work. Some of those activities concern students in particular.

Text: Johanna Fredriksson

This spring semester, the external reviewer Karin Röding has investigated Umeå University’s handling of cases of misconduct. At the start of April, she presented a report to the Vice-Chancellor outlining proposed measures and activities to improve the work with handling and preventing harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation within the University.

The report has also been presented to the University Board and been discussed in the University Management and the University Management Council, which includes the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors, deans, the University Director, the Director of the Umeå School of Education, the Library Director and representatives of the students.

We need to provide better support to heads of department, managers, students and staff when work environment issues arise.

A number of measures have now been prioritised, and some of them concern students in particular.

“The report forms good basis for our continued efforts to improve. It also confirms that we are en route in our chosen priorities. For instance, we need to provide better support to heads of department, managers, students and staff when work environment issues arise,” says Hans Adolfsson.

Continuous discussion

The evaluation also points towards the importance of continuous discussion on topics of work environment and equal opportunities throughout the University for preventive work to carry on. Training students and staff in core values to help them act if anything should happen is also a measure that the evaluation highlights.

“We will ensure that these activities are planned for and commenced. Our previous work with core values provides a good basis for that. Working with core values is not something that can be ‘checked off’ and completed, so in the continued dialogue, I’m convinced that new proposals for further improvements will come up,” says Hans Adolfsson.

Other activities that are prioritised can be found on the staff website Aurora.