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Published: 2010-02-22

New e-mail service for students

NEWS During the spring term 2010, Umeå University will change into a new e-mail service for students. With the new service, there will be a lot more space for e-mails and attachments. It has an Outlook interface, is easier to administer and includes calendar and contact functions. It also offers the possibility to choose among a large amount of different languages.

For students, the change of e-mail service will mean that:

  • All of Umeå University’s student e-mail accounts will be transferred to the new service
  • All e-mails in your current mail boxes, except for the “Removed/Trash” box, will be transferred to the new service
  • Since the log in to the new e-mail service will be by using CAS, the new service will be accessed from the tab “E-mail” in Portalen
  • You will keep your current e-mail address (ending with ‘@student.umu.se’)
  • If you have activated redirect from your present student e-mail service to another personal e-mail account, the redirect will automatically be transferred to the new service.

What will happen, and when?

The transfer to the new service will start on the 15th of March and is estimated to take a couple of weeks for all accounts to be transferred. You will be able to use your e-mail as usual during the transfer period. The log in capability to your student e-mail account via the old e-mail service “webmail”, i.e webmail.umu.se, will disappear once the new e-mail service is implemented for all students at Umeå University. During the transfer period, “webmail” will still be active for your account as long as your account hasn't been transferred to the new service. Once your account is transferred to the new service, there will be only one e-mail in the “webmail” inbox explaining about the new e-mail service and the functionality of the “webmail” service will be blocked. From then on, you will reach your student e-mail account at the “E-mail” tab in Portalen, www.student.umu.se/english. You can contribute in making the transfer to the new service to go faster by deleting old e-mails that you don´t need to keep from your present “webmail” mail boxes.

Editor: Annica Höglund