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Published: 2010-02-22

New educational sciences journal

NEWS Umeå School of Education at Umeå University will launch a new scientific journal titled “Education Inquiry” on the 25th of February.

Education Inquiry (Edu.Inq.) is an international on-line, peer-reviewed journal with free access in the field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education. It publishes original empirical and theoretical studies from a wide variety of academic disciplines. As the name of the journal suggests, one of its aims is to challenge established conventions and taken-for-granted perceptions within these fields.

- "Inquiry" conveys a kind of searching, which is appropriate for a journal that primarily does not want to proclaim the truth, but rather hopes to discuss problems and scientific methodologies, says the journal’s editor, professor Per-Olof Erixon, Umeå University.

Education Inquiry is looking for lucid and significant contributions to the understanding of contextual, social, organizational and individual factors affecting teaching and learning, the links between these aspects, the nature and processes of education and training as well as research in and on Teacher Education and Teacher Education policy. This includes research ranging from pre-school education to higher education, and research on formal and informal settings. Education Inquiry welcomes cross-disciplinary contributions and innovative perspectives. Of particularly interest are studies that take as their starting point, education practice and subject teaching or didactics.

The first issue contains articles written by:
Linda Croxford, senior research fellow at the Centre for Educational Sociology, University of Edinburgh. Croxford has wide interests in education and youth transitions, including (in)equalities by social class, gender, ethnicity and geographical areas. Much of her research explores the effects of policy and practice in Scotland and the UK, while located in the broader wider framework of Europe.

James McKernan, professor of education at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, East Carolina University, United States. McKernan is the author or co-author of five books and former editor of Irish Educational Studies, the Journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland and former president of the South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society.

David R Cole, senior lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, where he lectures in literacy and pedagogy. Cole has published in international journals such as Educational Philosophy and Theory, Prospect and Education and Power. He edited three books in 2009.
Paul Hager, professor of education at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. His main scholarly interest is the emerging field of philosophy of adult and vocational education.

Christina Olin-Scheller, researcher and teacher in the Educational Work Department at Karlstad University, Sweden. Her main interest and primary research area is young people’s reading and writing in formal and informal learning settings.

Patrik Wikström, research fellow and research manager at the Media Management and Transformation Centre at the Jönköping International Business School, Sweden. His primary research area is the innovative and adaptive behaviour of media organizations.

Education Inquiry, Volume 1, No. 1, March 2010, will be published on the 25th of February on the following web page:

For further information, please contact Education Inquiry Editor:
Professor Per-Olof ErixonDepartment of Creative StudiesUmeå University+46 90 7866436+46 70 5508605
High resolution images of Education Inquiry and professor Erixon can be obtained by contacting Olof Bergvall, Information Officer, Umeå School of Education, olof.bergvall@adm.umu.se or at +46 702996858.