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Published: 2020-07-03

NMMP funding for collaboration projects with SciLifeLab

NEWS Two WCMM researchers at Umeå University receive funding for collaboration projects with SciLifeLab Fellows within the network National Molecular Medicine Fellows Program (NMMP). NMMP is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Text: Maria Israelsson Nordström

NMMP is a collaborative national network between SciLifeLab and the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) at the universities in Umeå, Linköping, Lund and Gothenburg. The aim of the NMMP initiative is to strengthen scientific collaborations and technological networking between group leaders at the centres. One part of the NMMP budget is used for annual meetings for the Fellows, another part to minor collaboration grants.

Recently SciLifeLab awarded funding for three new collaborations, in total 126 000 SEK. WCMM at Umeå university was co-applicant in two of these through Bethany van Guelpen at the Department of Radiation Sciences and Marta Bally at the Department of Clinical Microbiology:

Development of local inflammatory biomarkers for risk stratification and early detection of colorectal cancer. SciLifeLab Fellow: Alexandra Teleki (Uppsala Universitet), Partner Fellow: Bethany van Guelpen (WCMM Umeå universitet)

Elucidating the biophysical principles underlying virus-host interactions. SciLifeLab Fellow: Erdinc Sezgin (Karolinska Institutet), Partner Fellow: Marta Bally (WCMM Umeå universitet)

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