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Published: 2015-11-02

Opening ceremony for the new Aurora, the student´s light and quiet room

NEWS Aurora opens in new premises with an opening ceremony on 16 November, from 14.00 to 16.30. We offer refreshments.

Aurora opens in new premises with an opening ceremony on 16 November, from 14.00 to 16.30. The Student Health Service/Student Services offer refreshments. Welcome!

Aurora is the student´s light and quiet room for rest and recovery. In Aurora, there are “daylight” lamps and the room is all in white. Here you can relax, read a book or listen to relaxing music.

The new Aurora is located in the Social Sciences Building, entrance Hörsalstorget 6, Level 1 (near the Campus Bookstore, “Campusbokhandeln”).

More about Aurora

Editor: Annica Höglund