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Published: 2019-05-10

PhD students with a focus on cloud computing

NEWS Recently more than 60 PhD students following the graduate school within the WASP program came together at Umeå University for a two-day course in cloud computing.

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The graduate school within WASP is dimensioned to produce at least 400 new PhDs, with at least 100 of those being industrial PhD students.

The students from the participating universities Chalmers, KTH, Linköping University, Lund University and Umeå University meet regularly to dive into different subjects. This time more than 60 PhD students attended the two-day cloud technology course that was given at Umeå University as a part of the graduate school.

“As the students came from very diverse backgrounds, this year we introduced them to data analytics in the cloud as a toolbox they can use in their research,” Dr. Ahmed El-Aldin, researcher at Umeå University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, says.

Ahmed El-Aldin is together, with Professor Erik Elmroth and researcher Dr. Cristian Klein, the main organizer of the course in cloud computing.

During the course, the students met representatives from Amazon Web Services, Google and Elastisys and also attended in workshops to have a more in depth view on cloud technology.

“We want all the PhD students in the program to have a common foundation and synergize with each other,” Cristian Klein, researcher at Umeå University, says.

“For a small country like Sweden, this WASP initiative and the possibility to have more or less a class of 60 PhD students on a focused topic is really a unique opportunity that besides the education provides the students with a great network of peers that is likely to last their whole career,” Erik Elmroth concludes.