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Published: 2012-11-29

RiseB co-worker nominated for most envitonmentally powerful of the year

NEWS Every year, Swedish journal Miljöaktuellt, selects one person they call most environmentally powerful of the year. This year, RiseB co-worker Karl Johan Bonnedahl is one of the nominees.

The main criteria for most environmentally powerful i "that the person should have som eform of formal or non-formal influence in the sustainability are that he or she have used in a positive way".

Most environmentally powerful in 2012 was Johan Rockström. The winner of 2013 will be presented in the January issue of Miljöaktuellt.

In 2012, Karl Johan Bonnedahl published the book Från ekonomiskt till hållbart, från exploatering till samexistens: En bok om att tänka om (From economic to sustainable, from exploatation to co-existence: A book about re-thinking).

This news was published at www.org.umu.se/riseb.

Editor: Johan Jansson