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Published: 2009-01-13

Students create “virtual world” exhibition in Second Life

NEWS Virtual worlds such as Second Life have become an ever-expanding area of interest for pedagogical and artistic experiments. Students in the museology programme at Umeå University have now entered the digital scene.

A vernissage exhibition will take place on Tuesday 20 January at 7:00 PM at HUMlab at Umeå University, located one level below the University Library.

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world community accessible via the internet with users around the entire globe. Countless galleries, museums and artists are already engaged in worlds like Second Life. The museology programme students at the department of culture and media studies are the latest entrants in the digital scene.

For several intensive weeks within the framework of their study programme, the students have explored the possible opportunities that virtual worlds have as museological platforms. The result is four exhibitions that illustrate and adapt to themes such as gender/sexuality/disability, social stratification, place/region/nation, and ethnicity/religion.

Existing Second Life users can experience the exhibition from the 20th of January via:

The 3-D world of Second Life is a social arena that makes it possible to communicate and learn in new and different ways than previous digital platforms. A far as we know, the museology programme at Umeå University is the first in Sweden to use Second Life in this educational format.

Time: Tuesday 20 January, 7:00 PM
Place: HUMLab, Social Sciences Building
Web site: http://www.humlab.umu.se/about

For further information, please contact:
Susanne Lindström, Department of Culture and Media Studies
Phone: +46 (0) 90-786 69 79

Editor: Helena Vejbrink