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Published: 2014-02-17

Swedish Picture Book of the Year

NEWS Anna Höglund’s "Om detta talar man endast med kaniner" (Topics of which you only speak with rabbits) is recognised as the Swedish Picture Book of the Year. In conjunction to the winner being announced at Littfest 2014, the original images to the book will be showcased in an exhibition at Bildmuseet.

Om detta talar man endast med kaniner is aimed at teenagers and adults and does not undervalue its readers. Images referencing to works by other artists give an extra dimension to this tale of alienation, high sensitivity and the actual conditions
of growing.

Anna Höglund’s recieves the award at Littfest 2014 – Umeå International Literature Festival. The exhibition opens at Bildmuseet March 16 at 14:00 and the author will be present to give a presentation of her book.

The initiative for the prize has been taken by Krumelur – the organisation for young words in the north, together with Umeå2014, the Astrid Lindgren Foundation Solkatten, Kulturföreningen Pilgatan, County Libraries of Västerbotten and Västernorrland, Littfest and Bildmuseet.

Editor: Helena Vejbrink