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Published: 2023-06-07 Updated: 2023-10-19, 16:37

TAIGA days 11-13 October

NEWS The Centre for Transdisciplinary AI (TAIGA) is happy to invite researchers and members of the TAIGA community to our yearly event 11-13 October.

Text: Annakarin Resoluth


11 October:  

We look at current and future opportunities to collaborate in both research as well as education. We will discuss the instruments already in place, but also will discuss new possibilities and ideas from all TAIGA associate researchers.
Target group: Umeå university staff associated with TAIGA

If you are not associated with TAIGA, but want attend this day, you can easily and freely become an associate of TAIGA by registering here.

12 October:

During this day we will focus on supporting the process of getting transdisciplinary research projects going. The day will start with a mix of presentations focusing on how to be successful with multi-disciplinary collaborations and how to write good applications. After lunch we will put theory in to practice working head on with specific research ideas that were presented during the pitch events in autumn. 

13 October:

The third day will be focusing on the green transition. This will be organized by UTRI, Arctic Centre and TAIGA together. During the day we will discuss very concrete issues that need to be solved to reach Umeås mission to be a climate neutral city by 2030. We will invite a wide range of organisations to describe what are the consequences of this goal for the future functioning of their organisation.

During the day we will have several parallel sessions to start practical ways to tackle the problems and opportunities arising from these consequences. We invite researchers, industry and decision makers to use this day as the start of further collaboration to work on this important goal of a climate neutral Umeå by 2030.  

Learn more about The Centre for Transdiciplinary AI (TAIGA).