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Published: 2010-09-27

Top international tendinopathy researchers to meet in Umeå

NEWS Umeå University carries out world-leading research on the causes of tendinopathy (injuries to the tendon). This will be highlighted this week on Thursday and Friday, with the arrival of other leading world-wide scientists in this field for the conference "International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium" in Umeå.

"We are extremely pleased that the conference has been such a success. We now have nearly 100 registered participants from eleven countries and four different continents," explains Patrik Danielson, who has initiated and organised the conference.

Among the more well-known scientists giving lectures at the conference are Associate Professor and physiotherapist Jill Cook from Australia, and Professor of Veterinary Medicine, Roger Smith from England. They are both available for interviews. If interested, contact Patrik Danielson, see contact details below.

Jill Cook has worked with elite athletes for over 20 years, and has published more than 100 peer-reviewd journal articles on tendinopathy. Dr. Cook has also travelled extensively with sports teams as a sports physiotherapist for 15 years with basketball, netball, hockey and athletics teams. This involvement has included travel to six basketball World championships and two Olympic Games.

Roger Smith performs research on equine tendon disease, primarily on race horses. The same problems exist for horses on the molecular level, therefore his research and so his is also relevant for humans.

The conference will be held on 30 September - 1 October in lecture hall Betula, which is located in the Medical Library in building 6M, Norrlands University Hospital, and the ljusgården atrium just outside where posters will be presented. It begins on Thursday 30 September at 9:30 am. The conference will feature more than 30 lectures that will run between 5 and 15 minutes (see the link to the programme below), and concludes with the dissertation defence of Patrik Danielson’s doctoral candidate Gustav Andersson. Read the dissertation abstract at:
http://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:349953&rvn=1 (opens in new window)

The complete conference programme and more is available at:
http://www.imb.umu.se/english/research/research-groups/neuropeptide-group/symposium/ (opens in new window)
Co-arranger of the symposium is Umeå Municipality and the main sponsor is Balticgruppen.

For more information, contact:Patrik DanielsonSenior Lecturer at the Department of Integrative Medical Biology, Anatomy Phone: + 46 (0)90-786 58 93Mobile: +46 (0)70-336 80 30
E-mail: patrik.danielson@anatomy.umu.se
Portrait photo (opens in new window)

Professor Håkan AlfredsonDepartment of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Sports MedicinePhone: + 46 (0)90-786 66 02Mobile: +46 (0)70-228 84 41
E-mail: hakan.alfredson@idrott.umu.se
Portrait photo (opens in new window)

Editor: Bertil Born