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Published: 2008-01-18

Umeå historian receives cultural award

NEWS Martin Hårdstedt, Senior Lecturer in History at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, has been named the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation culture award recipient for 2008.

The prize will be awarded by the foundation’s chairman Anders Björck on 29 January at the Swedish Riksdag in correlation with the Nordic Council meeting in Stockholm. Umeå historian Hårdstedt also has other current distinctions to boast about.

Four months ago he received the Clio prize for his book titled “Finska kriget 1808-09” (The Finnish War 1808-09). Since 1994, the prize has been annually granted to young historians by the Swedish daily newspaper "Svenska Dagbladet" and the Club of the Historical Book Clio.

In addition, on 24 January the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies (formerly the Department of Historical Studies) at Umeå University, the academic area in which Hårdstedt works as an lecturer, will formally receive the distinction “Centre of Excellence in Higher Education 2007” by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education.

The full report is available at: www.hsv.se/download/18.6e4bc4761168c296e0580001498/beslutsunderlagframst-utbmiljo07.pdf

Martin Hårdstedts homepage: http://www.idesam.umu.se/om/personal/historia/martin-hardstedt/

For more information or an interview, contact Martin Hårdstedt, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, Phone +46 (0)90 - 786 71 49
E-mail: martin.hardstedt@historia.umu.se

Editor: Helena Vejbrink