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Contacts and Location

Contacts and Location

For visitors:

Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) Building
Umeå University
Linnaeus väg 6

Click on the image below for online map directions:

For postal and delivery:

You are encouraged to send samples and consumables as packages not letters.

  • For package deliveries:
    Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy
    Chemical Biological Centre (KBC) Building
    Umeå University
    Linnaeus väg 6
    SE-90736 Umeå, Sweden

  • For letters:
    Department of Chemistry
    Umeå University
    SE-90187 Umeå, Sweden

For general enquiries:

Centre Coordinator / Director

Lab telephone contact for service:

  • Cryo-EM related matters: +46720853201
  • SEM related matters: +46727355223
  • TEM and EM lab related matters: +46720853204

UCEM Personnel

Linda Sandblad
Centre Coordinator / Director

Visiting address: Electron Microscopy Building, KB-D, Umeå University
Office directions: Online Map
Mobile: +46 (0)70 932 49 36
UMU profile

Agnieszka Ziolkowska
Facility manager
Contact TEM

Visiting address: Electron Microscopy Building, TEM Lab, Umeå University
Office directions: Online Map
Mobile: +46 (0)70 397 33 90
UMU profile

Erin Schexnaydre
Facility manager
Cryo-EM, FIB-SEM, Correlative Imaging

Visiting address: Electron Microscopy-Building, Umeå University
Office directions: Online Map
UMU profile

Johan Unge
Facility manager
Contact for Cryo-EM and Micro-ED

UMU profile

Lorene Gonnin
Contact for correlative imaging and cell culture

UMU profile

Nils Hauff
Facility manager, Contact for SEM and material and physical science

UMU profile

Sara Henriksson
Head of unit for TEM and SciLifeLab FIB-SEM
Facility manager contact for TEM, SEM, FIB-SEM, Correlative Imaging

Visiting address: Electron Microscopy Building, TEM Lab, Umeå University
Office directions: Online Map
Phone: +46 (0)90 786 57 17
UMU profile

Sara Sandin
SciLifeLab head of unit for Cryo-EM, Facility manager, SciLifeLab Site coordinator 
Contact for Cryo-EM

Visiting address: Electron Microscopy-Building, Umeå University
Office directions: Online Map
Phone: +46 (0)90 786 64 08
UMU profile

SciLifeLab Site Umeå

Tanvir Shaikh “Tapu”
Staff Scientist, Contact for EM image processing

UMU profile

Latest update: 2024-08-23