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Features and news

Research news

Discovery at Umeå University awarded 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Emmanuelle Charpentier has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation invests in infection medicine

The financial support is included in a national investment into Life Science.

Research news

Laser spectroscopy for more efficient biomass combustion
Published: 2023-05-17

New method paves the way for green energy and improves understanding of complex chemical processes.

László Veisz has worked with this year's Nobel Prize winner in physics
Published: 2023-10-04

Congratulated his colleagues after the announcement: "I was sure this time would come."

Law, ethics and AI in focus at digital forensic conference
Published: 2021-01-27

Researchers discuss how digital crime can be combated by digital forensics and artificial intelligence.

Leading AI researcher to Umeå University
Published: 2019-12-18

Diego Calvanese, Italy, is employed as a Wallenberg visiting Professor at the Department of Computing Science.

Licentiate thesis on socially intelligent systems
Published: 2020-05-27

Timotheus Kampik has defended his Licentiate Thesis.

Life’s insiders: Decoding endosymbiosis with mathematics
Published: 2024-05-02

Mathematical modelling advances research in endosymbiosis, according to a research group in Umeå.

Long Covid Awareness Day – an occasion for sharing knowledge
Published: 2024-03-15

Johan Normark tells about current knowledge on symptoms, causes, treatment, and prognosis of post-COVID.

Ludvig Edman rewarded for his bright ideas in research
Published: 2023-09-28

Receives the prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for his research on the technology behind a flexible light source.

Major European grant to newly recruited Umeå researcher
Published: 2018-08-30

The European Research Council grants an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euro to the group leade...

Major grant will put Umeå at the forefront of tropical climate research
Published: 2023-10-23

Daniel Metcalfe tries to understand the impacts of climate change on the unique biodiversity of cloud forests.

Major security flaws in Java applications – European researchers warn
Published: 2023-12-27

Weaknesses in one of the world's most widely used programming languages can cause significant costs.

Making sense of complex tree data
Published: 2020-06-26

Bastian Schiffthaler has improved the genome information from aspen and developed bioinformatic tools.

Malaria research in Umeå wins Hirsch Prize from Karolinska Institute
Published: 2024-03-08

Oliver Billker is awarded the Medicine Doctor Axel Hirsch prize 2024 for his research in the field of malaria.

Many new research projects at the Department of Computing Science
Published: 2022-12-14

New and exciting research in computing science now receives more than SEK 30 million in research funding.

Marie Curie Fellowship for the study of promising magnetic material
Published: 2024-08-27

Lakshmi Das receives Marie Curie Fellowship to investigate new material with ultra-fast light pulses.