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Adherence to asthma guidelines in primary care and the effect on health outcomes

PhD project The overall aim will be to investigate how person centred and integrated care can increase adherence to asthma management guidelines and improve health outcomes in adults with asthma.


Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2024-05-06

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Project description


In Sweden, the prevalence of asthma is 10%. Despite existing treatment guidelines many patients are undertreated, and few follow-ups are conducted. Most asthma patients are managed in primary care, and asthma/COPD clinics have an important role in implementing treatment guidelines. However, the effect of these clinics compared to regular care needs to be explored as well as patients’ knowledge about asthma and self-management, adherence to guidelines and to digital solutions that may increase health outcomes.


The aims of this project are:

1. To explore the impact of certified primary care asthma/COPD clinics on adherence to treatment guidelines, asthma control, and mortality among patients with asthma. 

2. To explore adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological asthma guidelines from an epidemiological perspective and further study the degree of asthma control, quality of life and healthcare consumption among these participants.

3. To explore patients with asthma’s experiences of adherence to guidelines and expectations of person centred and integrated care in primary care. 

4. To explore the adherence to and the impact of the medical equipment AsthmaTuner on asthma control, exacerbations, and healthcare consumption.


The project will be based on register data using the Swedish National Airway Register (study 1), on epidemiological data using the Obstructive Lung disease in Northen Sweden studies (study 2,3) and a RCT conducted by Karolinska Institutet (study 4). The PhD project will be conducted in 2024-2028.


This project will provide knowledge about current asthma care in Sweden, patients expectations of healthcare in the future and whether the use of technical solutions and certified asthma/COPD clinics is a part of the person centred and integrated care.

Principal supervisor

Caroline Stridsman
Other position
Latest update: 2024-05-20