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Crafting Revisited

Research project In this Small Visionary Project we intend to investigate the tension between digital and analogue production, primarily related to materiality, by revisiting crafting.

Crafting revisited is a project aiming to develop and try out a functional and cross-diciplinary based methodological framework, which utilizes opportunities for development of new Craft knowledge in the meeting between artistic research and educational science. With revisiting Craft we refer to a return to our own craftmanship and to the use of the textile medium and its mode of expression as a way to articulate, document and communicate research result.

Head of project

Åsa Jeansson
Associate professor
Stina Westerlund
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2022-01-01 2022-12-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Creative Studies, UmArts

Research area

Educational sciences

Project description

Specifically, the project is about how Craft knowledge is mastered when traditional Craft meets new digital tools, i.e. the transformation of knowledge from being skilled in hand embroidery to technically and creatively master digital embroidery machines and software. Material explorations, artefacts and the practical work in collaborative Craft processes will be video documented and analysed together with a cross-disciplinary reference group to support features and perspectives in artistic and scientific research as well.


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Latest update: 2025-01-15