Research project The aim of the OACCUs project is to sustainably develop an EU-wide network for young cancer survivors.
The establishment of the OACCUs network will be accomplished by encouraging an increased quality of life through a healthy lifestyle. This will be done through various channels, connecting the target group on a European level and ensuring that young Europeans once diagnosed with cancer will be able to continue living mentally and physically healthy and future-oriented lives.
OACCUs (Outdoor Against Cancer Connects Us) started in June 2022 and will run for 18 months. The project is funded through the European Health and Digital Executive Agency HADEA. The consortium is lead by Umeå University and is comprised of a total of 13 partners from 6 European members states. OACCUs will be a vital part of the new EU4Health network for young cancer survivors. The project is about fostering a future-oriented healthy lifestyle through four core elements, or pillars as they are also referred to. These are 1) outdoor sports and exercise, 2) psychoeducation, 3) healthy nutrition and 4) a healthy environment (or sustainable lifestyle). The mission is supported through the interaction and exchange with peers, people with a similar medical history, friends and health organizations (universities, young cancer survivor organizations, NGOs) of the participating project countries.
OACCUs pursues the idea of training young cancer survivors, their families and friends as ambassadors and coaches in each participating country and developing and sustaining a network of young cancer survivors. All 13 partners are already involved in the topic of young cancer survivors and/or have developed concepts for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of cancer together with partners in the past years.
The project will result in a sustainable network for young cancer survivors, their families and friends. The network will be supported by training of numerous ambassadors and coaches who will act as facilitators, supporting and developing the network. The project will also develop a mobile app for young cancer survivors to interact, find and share information, and use as part of the network.
Learn more by visiting the project website.