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Online knowledge in "closed digital spaces"

Research project within The Postgraduate School in the Educational Sciences

What does students' awareness of "eco-chambers" look like? How do we handle this as a teacher in the digital science classroom? The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate what students' digital citizenship looks like and how to work around this in the classroom as a teacher.

Head of project

Anna Loden
Doctoral student

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2020-08-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Science and Mathematics Education

Research area

Educational sciences

Project description

The research project will investigate students' digital citizenship and how this can be linked to education. Teaching today is based largely on information retrieved from the Internet. When searching for information, the user easily ends up in their own "filter bubbles" where the information is filtered and have created their own echo chambers. In the research project, I want to investigate how aware students are about their eco-chambers and how this can affect the students' view of knowledge in science.

Research question:
- What is the connection between students 'awareness of their filter bubbles and students' development of scientific citizenship?


Latest update: 2021-04-29