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Research project The project will increase societal preparedness against CBRNe threats and incidents, especially focusing on managing large groups of people and individuals with special needs.

PROACTIVE will work to enhance societal CBRNe preparedness by increasing first responder’s ability to effectively manage large, diverse groups of people. The project will be studying the CBRNe incident management from the perspective of the European citizens, something that has rarely been done. The project is funded by Horizon 2020 and coordinated by the Security Division of Union internationale des chemins de fer (UIC).

Project overview

Project period:

2019-05-01 2023-08-31


Horizon 2020

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

European CBRNE Centre

Project description

The project emphasizes European citizens, focusing on those who may be considered especially vulnerable in the event of a CBRNe incident. Such individuals include the deaf and hard of hearing, those with vision impairments, people with mobility restrictions, mental or  cognitive disorders, etc. Children and the elderly are considered vulnerable, as are pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions. 
PROACTIVE has two external advisory boards. The Practitioner Stakeholder Advisory Board (PSAB) is comprised of representatives from various law enforcement, first responder, and healthcare agencies. The Civil Society Advisory Board (CSAB) is made up of organisations and individual experts representing the more vulnerable groups of society.

The European CBRNE Center is responsible for coordination of, and interaction with, the CSAB. Throughout the project, the two advisory boards will give input and feedback to project deliverables and results, both independently and jointly. This to ensure the project develops tools and recommendations which reflects the needs of the vulnerable groups while also considered safe, practical and effective by practitioners. Together with project eNOTICE, PROACTIVE will organise three field exercises. Through the exercises, methods and tools will be implemented and tested by CBRNe responders as well as the civil society.

The consortium comprises 15 member organisations from 12 European countries.

The expected results and added value include toolkits for CBRNe practitioners and civil society organisations.

  • The toolkit for practitioners will include a web collaborative platform with database scenarios for communication and exchange of best practice among law enforcement agencies, as well as an innovative response tool in the form of a mobile app.
  • The toolkit for the civil society and its organisations will include a mobile app adapted to carious vulnerable citizen categories and pre-incident public information material.

The expected results are in line with the overall Security Union approach to fight crime and terrorism. Project results will provide valuable inputs to the EUROPOL initiative to develop a knowledge hub for CBRNe activities and help consolidate the EU Action Plan to enhance preparedness for CBRNe threats.

To learn more, visit the project website.

Latest update: 2021-03-24