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Britt-Inger Saveman
Research qualifications:
+46 90 786 92 35
+46 70 640 62 00
Works at
Affiliated as other position at
Department of Diagnostics and Intervention
Section: KcKM
5A, Målpunkt H62, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Affiliated as professor emerita at
Department of Nursing
Biologihuset, Hus C, plan 3, 4 och 5. Hus D2, plan 3.
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Evaluation of a collaborative multi-disciplinary train-the-trainer program for first responders in chemical, radiologic and nuclear emergencies: a pre- and post-test
BMC Medical Education
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Hedberg, Pia; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Gyllencreutz, Lina
Standing alone on the frontline. The meaning of being a nurse in the archipelago: a phenomenological hermeneutical study
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 37, (4) : 1048-1056
Lundberg, Anna; Santamäki-Fischer, Regina; Gyllencreutz, Lina; et al.
Preparing medical first responders for crises: a systematic literature review of disaster training programs and their effectiveness
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2022, Vol. 30, (1)
Baetzner, Anke S.; Wespi, Rafael; Hill, Yannick; et al.
Time-efficiency factors in road tunnel rescue as perceived by Swedish operative personnel – an interview study
International Journal of Emergency Services
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2022, Vol. 11, (2) : 312-324
Hylander, Johan; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
Family systems nursing conversations: influences on families with stroke
BMC Nursing
, BioMed Central 2022, Vol. 21, (1)
Pusa, Susanna; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Sundin, Karin
Family experiences up to seven years after a severe traumatic brain injury-family interviews
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 44, (4) : 608-616
Stenberg, Maud; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Health and Well-Being of Persons of Working Age up to Seven Years after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Northern Sweden: A Mixed Method Study
Journal of Clinical Medicine
, MDPI 2022, Vol. 11, (5)
Stenberg, Maud; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Situational awareness during a full-scale exercise in an underground mine: A qualitative single-case study of the ambulance incident commander
International Emergency Nursing
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 54
Eklund, Annika; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Gyllencreutz, Lina
Medical incident commander leadership during a full-scale exercise in an underground mining environment: a qualitative single-case study
International Journal of Emergency Management
, InderScience Publishers 2021, Vol. 17, (1) : 90-103
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Mårtensson, Sophia; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Characteristics of nursing encounters in primary healthcare in remote areas: a survey of nurses’ patient record documentation and self-report
Nordic journal of nursing research
, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 41, (2) : 84-91
Lundberg, Anna; Gyllencreutz, Lina; Saveman, Britt-Inger; et al.
Mobilisation of emergency services for chemical incidents in Sweden: a multi-agency focus group study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 29, (1)
Westman, Anton; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
School Nurses' Attitudes toward Family Involvement in School Healthcare
Health Behavior and Policy Review
, Paris Scholar Publishing 2020, Vol. 7, (1) : 51-58
Antonsson, Helena; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Lämås, Kristina
Injury risks during outdoor play among Swedish schoolchildren: teachers' perceptions and injury preventive practices
Education 3-13
, Routledge 2020, Vol. 48, (1) : 1-11
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Rolfsman, Ewa; Frånberg, Gun-Marie; et al.
Templates for handling multi-agency collaboration activities and priorities in mining injury incidents: a Delphi study
International Journal of Emergency Services
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2020, Vol. 9, (3) : 257-271
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Rådestad, Monica; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Emergency medical response in mass casualty tunnel incidents: with emphasis on prehospital care
Journal of Human Security
, Librello 2020, Vol. 16, (1) : 3-15
Holgersson, Annelie; Eklund, Annika; Gyllencreutz, Lina; et al.
Senior ambulance officers in Swedish emergency medical services: a qualitative study of perceptions and experiences of a new management role in challenging incidents
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2020, Vol. 10, (12)
Hylander, Johan; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
Preparedness for peer first response to mining emergencies resulting in injuries: a cross-sectional study
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2020, Vol. 10
Karlsson, Sofia; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Expansive Learning Process of Exercise Organizers: The Case of Major Fire Incident Exercises in Underground Mines
, MDPI 2020, Vol. 12, (14)
Karlsson, Sofia; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Implementing a layperson post-crash first aid training programme in Tanzania: a qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Ndile, Menti L.; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Outwater, Anne H.; et al.
Impact of a postcrash first aid educational program on knowledge, perceived skills confidence, and skills utilization among traffic police officers: a single-arm before-after intervention study
BMC Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20
Ndile, Menti; Lukumay, Gift G.; Bölenius, Karin; et al.
Traffic police officers' use of first aid skills at work: a qualitative content analysis of focus group discussions in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
BMC Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Ndile, Menti; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Lukumay, Gift G.; et al.
Limited medical perspective at a strategic level in relation to mass casualty incidents in Swedish tunnels
International Journal of Emergency Management
, InderScience Publishers 2019, Vol. 15, (4) : 360-374
Doohan Stjerna, Isabelle; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Gyllencreutz, Lina
The experience of healthcare staff of incident reporting with respect to venous blood specimen collection practices’
Policy and Practice in Health and Safety
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 17, (2) : 146-155
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Pedersen, Ida; Enarsson, Elisabeth; et al.
Prehospital management provided by medical on-scene commanders in tunnel incidents in Oslo, Norway: an interview study
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
, Vol. 27, (1)
Hylander, Johan; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
The medical perspective on mining incidents: Interviews with emergency medical service (EMS) personnel
International Journal of Emergency Services
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019, Vol. 8, (3) : 236-246
Karlsson, Sofia; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Gyllencreutz, Lina
Traffic police officers' experience of post-crash care to road traffic injury victims: a qualitative study in Tanzania"
BMC Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19, (1)
Lukumay, Gift G.; Outwater, Anne H.; Mkoka, Dickson A.; et al.
Family Illness Trajectory During Seven Years After A Severe Traumatic Brain Injury-Family Interviews
Brain Injury
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 33 : 147-147
Stenberg, Maud; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Long-Term Follow-Up Observation Study 7 Years after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Northern Sweden
Brain Injury
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 33 : 161-161
Stenberg, Maud; Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Long-Term Follow-Up of Disability, Cognitive, and Emotional Impairments after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Behavioural Neurology
, Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2019, Vol. 2019
Stålnacke, Britt-Marie; Saveman, Britt-Inger; Stenberg, Maud
Survivors' experiences of consequences and recovery five years after a major bus crash
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Wiley-Blackwell 2018, Vol. 32, (3) : 1179-1187
Doohan, Isabelle Marie; Gyllencreutz, Lina; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
Mass casualty incidents in the underground mining industry: applying the Haddon Matrix on an integrative literature review
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
, Cambridge University Press 2018, Vol. 12, (1) : 138-146
Engström, Karl Gunnar; Angrén, John; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
Provision of post-crash first aid by traffic police in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a cross-sectional survey
BMC Emergency Medicine
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 18
Lukumay, Gift G.; Ndile, Menti L.; Outwater, Anne H.; et al.
Family Health Conversations at a pediatric oncology center: a way for families to rebalance the situation
Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 38 : e59-e65
Marklund, Sonja; Sjödin Eriksson, Eva; Lindh, Viveca; et al.
Envisioning the future as expressed within family health conversations by families of persons suffering from stroke
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2018, Vol. 32, (2) : 707-714
Sundin, Karin; Pusa, Susanna; Jonsson, Carin; et al.
Preparedness of Swedish EMS Personnel for Major Incidents in Underground Mines
Journal of Health Science
, David Publishing Company 2017, Vol. 5 : 239-243
Aléx, Jonas; Lundin, Helena; Joansson, Charlotta; et al.
The opinions of ambulance personnel regarding using a heated mattress for patients being cared for in a cold climate - An intervention study in ambulance care
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 2017, Vol. 76
Aléx, Jonas; Uppstu, Tom; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Validating a questionnaire - prehospital preparedness for pediatric trauma patients
International Emergency Nursing
, ELSEVIER SCI LTD 2017, Vol. 34 : 2-6
Bölenius, Karin; Vestin, Christin; Saveman, Britt-Inger; et al.
Exploring Injury Panorama, Consequences, and Recovery among Bus Crash Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Research Study
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS 2017, Vol. 32, (2) : 165-174
Doohan, Isabelle; Björnstig, Ulf; Östtlund, Ulrika; et al.
Protection against cold: a survey of available equipment in Swedish pre-hospital services
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 61, (10) : 1354-1360
Henriksson, Otto; Björnstig, Ulf; Saveman, Britt-Inger; et al.
Preparedness for mining injury incidents: interviews with Swedish rescuers
Safety Science Monitor
, Haninge: IPSO Australia 2017, Vol. 20, (1)
Karlsson, Sofia; Gyllencreutz, Lina; Engström, Gunnar; et al.
Factors influencing responders' perceptions of preparedness for terrorism
Disaster Prevention and Management
, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2016, Vol. 25, (4) : 520-533
Holgersson, Annelie; Sahovic, Dzenan; Saveman, Britt-Inger; et al.
Possibilities for evaluating cost-effectiveness of family system nursing: an example based on Family Health Conversations with families in which a middle-aged family member had suffered stroke
Nordic journal of nursing research
, Sage Publications 2016, Vol. 38, (2) : 74-81
Lämås, Kristina; Sundin, Karin; Jacobsson, Catrine; et al.
Responses after participating in Family Health Conversations in families with a family member who has suffered a stroke: A mixed methods research study
Clinical Nursing Studies
, Vol. 4, (4) : 46-57
Sundin, Karin; Bäckström, Britt; Lindh, Viveca; et al.
A Family Systems Nursing Approach for Families Following a Stroke: Family Health Conversations
Journal of Family Nursing
, Vol. 22, (2) : 148-171
Östlund, Ulrika; Bäckström, Britt; Saveman, Britt-Inger; et al.
Suicidal drowning deaths in northern Sweden 1992-2009: the role of mental disorder and intoxication
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 34 : 168-172
Ahlm, Kristin; Lindqvist, Per; Saveman, Britt-inger; et al.
Effect evaluation of a heated ambulance mattress-prototype on thermal comfort and patients' temperatures in prehospital emergency care - an intervention study
International Journal of Circumpolar Health
, Vol. 74
Aléx, Jonas; Karlsson, Stig; Björnstig, Ulf; et al.
Need for compassion in prehospital and emergency care: a qualitative study on bus crash survivors' experiences
International Emergency Nursing
, Vol. 23, (2) : 115-119
Doohan, Isabelle; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Outdoor pedestrian fall-related injuries among Swedish senior citizens: injuries and preventive strategies
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 29, (2) : 225-233
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Björnstig, Johanna; Rolfsman, Ewa; et al.
Non-minor injuries among children sustained in an outdoor environment: a retrospective register study
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
, Vol. 22, (1) : 3-10
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Rolfsman, Ewa; Saveman, Britt-Inger
Everyday outdoor mobility in old age: focus group interviews with active senior citizens
Healthy Aging Research
, Vol. 4
Gyllencreutz, Lina; Saveman, Britt-Inger
View publications in DiVA
Research projects
1 October 2016 until 31 December 2022
1 March 2011 until 1 March 2015
Injuries among old people and children in public outdoor environment in relation to primay preventive strategies and sense-making of risk
3 November 2010 until 30 June 2014
Patients ´ discomfort related to cold prehospital environment
1 August 2010 until 31 December 2013
Evaluation of health promoting conversations with families with a family member, under the age of 65 years, suffering from stroke
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