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Ingemar Johansson Sevä
Research qualifications:
+46 90 786 59 86
Works at
Associate professor at
Department of Sociology
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset & Norra beteendevetarhuset
Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Out-of-home activities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden: associations with subjective well-being and the moderating roles of age and personality
Personality and Individual Differences
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 226
Fors Connolly, Filip; Hjerm, Mikael; Kulin, Joakim; et al.
How satisfaction with running business and private life are related to small-business owners’ subjective well-being
Applied Research in Quality of Life
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 19 : 351-365
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Environmentalism around the globe: an introduction to the 2020 ISSP environment module and selected country-level findings
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2024, Vol. 54, (5-6) : 309-333
Hadler, Markus; Fairbrother, Malcolm; González, Ricardo; et al.
Partisanship and perceptions about the consequences of welfare service privatization from left to right (-wing populism)
Acta Sociologica
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 67, (4) : 429-445
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
Rightwing populist attitudes and public support for climate policies in western Europe: widening the scope using the European social survey
PLOS Climate
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 3, (10)
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Rightwing populism and public opinion on the covid‐19 pandemic in Sweden: the role of strategic party positioning and political cues
Scandinavian Political Studies
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 47, (4) : 575-600
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Political trust and public support for climate policy in Europe: The role of perceptions about politicians’ competence and integrity
Environmental Research Communications (ERC)
, Institute of Physics (IOP) 2024, Vol. 6, (9)
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Fairbrother, Malcolm
Agreeableness, extraversion and life satisfaction: investigating the mediating roles of social inclusion and status
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 62, (5) : 752-762
Fors, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
The Bigger the Better? Business Size and Small-Business Owners’ Subjective Well-Being
Journal of Happiness Studies
, Springer 2021, Vol. 22 : 1071-1088
Fors, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Suspicion of Welfare Overuse in Sweden: The Role of Left–Right Ideology, Anti‐Immigrant Attitudes and Gender
Scandinavian Political Studies
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 44, (2) : 115-139
Goossen, Mikael; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Lundström, Ragnar
Quality of government and the relationship between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior: a cross-national study
Environmental Politics
, Routledge 2021, Vol. 30, (5) : 727-752
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Who do you trust?: How trust in partial and impartial government institutions influences climate policy attitudes
Climate Policy
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 21, (1) : 33-46
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Nationalist ideology, rightwing populism, and public views about climate change in Europe
Environmental Politics
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 30, (7) : 1111-1134
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Dunlap, Riley E.
Oro över coronapandemin i det svenska samhället: [Worry about the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden]
Sociologisk forskning
, Huddinge: Sveriges Sociologförbund 2021, Vol. 58, (1-2) : 77-102
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Hjerm, Mikael; et al.
How does time pressure influence emotional wellbeing?: Investigating the roles of domain satisfaction and neuroticism among small-business owners
International Journal of Wellbeing
, International Journal of Wellbeing 2020, Vol. 10, (2) : 71-88
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Gärling, Tommy
Welfare service privatization and opinions about service quality: The role of political ideology among local politicians and the public
Social Policy & Administration
, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2020, Vol. 54, (1) : 45-59
Hardell, Sanna; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
Hur mår företagaren?: En rapport om välbefinnande och livstillfredsställelse
Stockholm: Företagarna 2019
Bongard, René; Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Political trust and the relationship between climate change beliefs and support for fossil fuel taxes: Evidence from a survey of 23 European countries
Global Environmental Change
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 59
Fairbrother, Malcolm; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Kulin, Joakim
Conditional representation: Gendered experiences of combining work and family among local politicians
Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 40, (3) : 367-384
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
The Role of Government in Protecting the Environment: Quality of Government and the Translation of Normative Views about Government Responsibility into Spending Preferences
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 49, (2) : 110-129
Kulin, Joakim; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Social status and life satisfaction in context: a comparison between Sweden and the USA
International Journal of Wellbeing
, Vol. 8, (2) : 110-134
Fors Connolly, Filip; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
How critical thinking, multicultural education and teacher qualification affect anti-immigrant attitudes
International Studies in Sociology of Education
, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 27, (1) : 42-59
Hjerm, Mikael; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Werner, Lena
Ageing, health inequalities and the welfare state: a multilevel analysis
Journal of European Social Policy
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 28, (4) : 311-325
Högberg, Björn; Strandh, Mattias; Baranowska-Rataj, Anna; et al.
A Little More Action, Please: Increasing the Understanding about Citizens’ Lack of Commitment to Protecting the Environment in Different National Contexts
International Journal of Sociology
, Routledge 2018, Vol. 48, (4) : 314-339
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Kulin, Joakim
Political Partisanship and Welfare Service Privatization: Ideological Attitudes among Local Politicians in Sweden
Scandinavian Political Studies
, Wiley 2018, Vol. 41, (1) : 75-97
Lindh, Arvid; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Subjective well-being and job satisfaction among self-employed and regular employees: does personality matter differently?
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
, Vol. 28, (1) : 55-73
Berglund, Victor; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Strandh, Mattias
Basic human values and white-collar crime: Findings from Europe
European Journal of Criminology
, Vol. 13, (4) : 434-452
Goossen, Mikael; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Larsson, Daniel
The prevalence, characteristics and well-being of 'necessity' self-employed and 'latent' entrepreneurs: findings from Sweden
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
, Vol. 28, (1) : 58-77
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Larsson, Daniel; Strandh, Mattias
Subjective well-being among the self-employed in Europe: macroeconomy, gender and immigrant status
Small Business Economics
, Springer-Verlag New York 2016, Vol. 46, (2) : 239-253
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Vinberg, Stig; Nordenmark, Mikael; et al.
Are the self-employed really that poor? Income poverty and living standard among self-employed in Sweden
Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion
, Vol. 6, (1)
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Larsson, Daniel
Self-Employment as a Strategy for Dealing with the Competing Demands of Work and Family? The Importance of Family/Lifestyle Motives
Gender, Work and Organization
, Vol. 22, (3) : 256-272
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar; Öun, Ida
Exploring the 'something for nothing' syndrome: confused citizens or free riders? Evidence from Sweden
Scandinavian Political Studies
, Nordic Political Science Association 2013, Vol. 36, (4) : 293-319
Edlund, Jonas; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Is Sweden Being Torn Apart? Privatization and Old and New Patterns of Welfare State Support
Social Policy & Administration
, Vol. 47, (5) : 542-564
Edlund, Jonas; Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Suspicious minds: local context and attitude variation across Swedish municipalities
International Journal of Social Welfare
, Wiley Interscience 2010, Vol. 19, (2) : 225-235
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Welfare state attitudes in context: local contexts and attitude formation in Sweden
Akademiska avhandlingar vid Sociologiska institutionen, Umeå universitet
, 55
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Local contexts, social risks and social spending preferences: a multi-level approach
Acta Sociologica
, Vol. 52, (3) : 249-262
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Support for the Swedish welfare state: The role of socioeconomic and sociocultural conflict in four decades of public opinion
Goossen, Mikael; Eger, Maureen A.; Kulin, Joakim; et al.
Local context and attitudes toward privatization: do public service contexts matter for attitude formation?
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
Welfare state attitudes and the local community: contextual effects on attitudes toward financing and service delivery
Johansson Sevä, Ingemar
View publications in DiVA
Research groups
Affiliated with the group
Climate and Environmental Sociology
Affiliated with the group
Political sociology
Affiliated with the group
Social policy and welfare
Affiliated with the group
Sociology of health, well-being, and quality of life
Research projects
1 July 2021 until 30 June 2026
In Search of Decoupling
1 January 2020 until 31 December 2022
Political trust and the environment: Understanding public attitudes towards environmental taxes and other policies
1 January 2019 until 31 December 2021
Climate change and citizens' environmental engagement in a world of increasing nationalism
1 January 2017 until 31 December 2019
Welfare opinion 2017
1 July 2015 until 30 June 2018
Explaining Cross-National Differences in Environmental Attitudes and Behavior: on the Role of Political Institutions for Solving the Collective Action Dilemma
1 January 2013 until 31 December 2022
Welfare service provision in transition. The impact of municipal context and local politicians' preferences, values, and living conditions
1 January 2011 until 31 December 2013
Material resources and political attitudes among self-employed
1 January 2010 until 31 December 2011
Welfare opinion 2010
1 January 2003 until 31 December 2008
The Political Sociology of the Welfare State
Published: 26 Nov, 2019
Political distrust a major barrier to climate action
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