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Staff photo Magnus Ferry

Magnus Ferry

I work as Associate Professor at the Department of Education. In doing so, I teach undergraduate courses, supervise doctoral students and conduct research within the fields of sport pedagogy.

Research qualifications: Docent



Works at

Associate professor at Department of Education Role: Assistant head of department
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

I work as Associate Professor at the Department of Education. In doing so, I teach undergraduate courses, supervise doctoral students and conduct research within the fields of sport pedagogy. I primarly teach at the Sport Science Programme, the Sports Coaching Programme and Physical Education Teacher Education Programme.

In my research, I am interessted in the socialisation processes through which inividuals is formed and about the changes in social, cultural and historical circumstances in which these processes are embedded. My research is focused on different parts of the field of sports and are mainly based on quantiative  data. Some of the research projects I am involved in are:

Physical Education teachers perceptions of the subject and profession. Drawing on occupational socialization theory, the purpose of this project is to longitudinally analyze the development of PE teachers perceptions of the subject and profession.

Physical Education teacher students knowledge development. In this project we analyze the practival knowledge, expressed through Didactialc Milstones, studentes develope during the professional programme and the sources to these milsones.

Sport Participation in Sweden. The focus of this project, is to analyze how sports and physical actitivy patterns among children, youth and adults develope and change in a Swedish context.

Findings from these projects, and my previous research, are published primarily in Pysical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Sport, Education and Society, Sport in Society and Journal of Physical Education and Sport och Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.

I graduated in Sport Science in 2014 at the Swedish Scool of Sport and Helath Science with a disteration focusing on the devleopment of School Sports in Sweden, and the pupils and teachers involved. Since then I have worked at Umeå University and currently have a reserach postion with focus on Physical Education.

More about the research area Sport Science

20th European Conference for the Sociology of Sport. Sport, Democracy, Inequality and Beyond: Book of abstracts, Madrid: Universidad Europea 2024 : 42-42
Ferry, B. Magnus
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2024, Vol. 41, (4) : 359-370
Pettersson, Fanny; Siljebo, Josef; Wolming, Simon; et al.
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens: Program
Ferry, B. Magnus
ransitioning sport - transitioning European societies: eass2023 Budapest conference: book of abstracts, Budapest: Hungarian University of Sports Science 2023 : 83-83
Ferry, B. Magnus
European Physical Education Review, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 29, (1) : 74-90
Ferry, B. Magnus; Westerlund, Runa
2022 EASS & ISSA World congress of sociology of sport: Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research: Book of abstracts
Ferry, B. Magnus
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, Turkey: Uludag University 2022, Vol. 11, (1) : 33-57
Ferry, B. Magnus; Åström, Peter; Romar, Jan-Erik
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, Routledge 2022, Vol. 13, (1) : 3-18
Larsson, Håkan; Mattsson, Torun; Ferry, Magnus
European Journal for Sport and Society, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 19, (4) : 368-387
Söderström, Tor; Brusvik, Peter; Ferry, Magnus; et al.
FoU-rapport, 2021:2
Ferry, B. Magnus; Andersson, Malin
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol. 20, (Supplement issue 6) : 3108-3119
Ferry, B. Magnus; Romar, Jan-Erik
Journal of teaching in physical education, Human Kinetics 2020, Vol. 39, (3) : 374-383
Romar, Jan-Erik; Ferry, B. Magnus
Föreningen för Svensk beteendevetenskaplig forskning (SVEBI) 2019
Ferry, B. Magnus
16th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Bø, Norway, June 3-6, 2019
Ferry, Magnus; Fahlén, Josef
Book of Abstracts AIESEP International Conference: Building Bridges for Physical Activity and Sport, International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education 2019 : 333-333
Ferry, Magnus; Åström, Peter
Book of Abstracts AIESEP International Conference. Building Bridges for Physical Activity and Sport, New York: Adelphi University, Garden City 2019 : 153-153
Åström, Peter; Ferry, Magnus
Sport in scandinavia and the nordic countries, London: Routledge 2018 : 136-172
Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, B. Magnus
Resurser, representation och "riktig" idrott: om jämställdhet inom idrotten, Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2018 : 96-119
Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus
AIESEP World Congress 2018: Creating Thriving and Sustainable Futures, Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh 2018 : 148-148
Ferry, B. Magnus
15th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Bordeaux, France, 23 - 26 May, 2018
Ferry, B. Magnus; Fahlén, Josef
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Routledge 2018, Vol. 23, (4) : 358-370
Ferry, Magnus
Sport, Education and Society, Routledge 2018, Vol. 23, (3) : 270-282
Ferry, Magnus; Lund, Stefan
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania 2018, Vol. 18, (1) : 114-126
Romar, Jan-Erik; Åström, Peter; Ferry, Magnus
Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, Routledge 2018, Vol. 21, (11) : 1686-1703
Söderström, Tor; Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus; et al.
ECER 2018: Abstracts
Söderström, Tor; Ferry, B. Magnus; Lund, Stefan; et al.
AIESEP International Conference, 7-10 november 2017, Gosier, Guadeloupe
Ferry, Magnus
Svensk Idrottsmedicin, Organ för Svensk Förening för Fysisk Aktivitet och Idrottsmedicin 2017, Vol. 36, (1) : 12-17
Svensson, Michael; Jonsson, Per; Johansson, Amanda; et al.
Book of Abstract EASS 2016: Sport in the City – Mobility, Urbanity and Social Change, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport 2016 2016 : 55-55
Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 94
Fahlén, Josef; Lindgren, Joakim; Ferry, Magnus; et al.
Abstracts Book AIESEP International Conference 2016 Laramie, USA: Blazing New Trails: Future Directions for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Activity, Laramie: University of Wyoming 2016 : 112-112
Ferry, Magnus
Sport, Education and Society, London: Taylor & Francis Group 2016, Vol. 21, (6) : 907-923
Ferry, Magnus
Book of Abstracts EASS 2016: Sport in the City – Mobility, Urbanity and Social Change, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport 2016 2016 : 49-49
Ferry, Magnus; Fahlén, Josef
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 95
Ferry, Magnus; Fahlén, Josef; Lindgren, Joakim
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 93
Lindgren, Joakim; Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus
Sport in the City – Mobility, Urbanity and Social Change: 13th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference : Book of Abstracts, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport 2016 2016 : 83-83
Söderström, Tor; Eliasson, Inger; Ferry, Magnus; et al.
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 96
Söderström, Tor; Ferry, Magnus; Karp, Staffan
Idéer för idrottsutveckling, Stockholm: Sisu idrottsböcker 2015 : 159-176
Eliasson, Inger; Ferry, Magnus
Abstract book, Göteborg: University of Gothenburg 2015 : 161-161
Ferry, Magnus
20th annual Congress of the European college of Sport Science, (ECSS), Sustainable Sport, in Malmö, Sweden, June 2015
Ferry, Magnus; Lund, Stefan
The Open Microbiology Journal, Vol. 9 : 150-159
Ferry, Sven A.; Holm, Stig E.; Ferry, B. Magnus; et al.
20 th annual Congress of the European college of Sport Science, (ECSS), 24th - 27th June 2015, Malmö – Sweden: book of abstracts : 294-
Söderström, Tor; Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus; et al.
European Journal for Sport and Society, European Association for Sociology of Sport 2014, Vol. 11, (4) : 353-369
Ferry, B. Magnus
Gothenburg studies in educational sciences, 355
Ferry, Magnus
Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS), Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell 2014, Vol. 122, (4) : 317-323
Monsen, Tor J.; Holm, Stig E.; Ferry, Björn Magnus; et al.
Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, Taylor & Francis 2013, Vol. 16, (6) : 805-818
Ferry, B. Magnus; Meckbach, Jane; Larsson, Håkan
Föreningen för Svensk beteendevetenskaplig forskning (SVEBI), årskonferens den 20-21 november 2013 i Stockholm
Ferry, Magnus
Sociology and Sport in Face of New Challenges: The 10th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Cordoba: 2013 : 25-25
Ferry, Magnus
Sociology and Sport in Face of New Challenges: The 10th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Cordoba: European Association for Sociology of Sport 2013 : 96-96
Söderström, Tor; Fahlén, Josef; Ferry, Magnus
Förening för svensk beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning 2012
Eliasson, Inger; Ferry, B. Magnus