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Staff photo Ulrik Söderström

Ulrik Söderström

I am Associate Professor in Media Technology, assistant Program manager for the MSc program in Interaction and Design and a researcher in the Digital Media Lab research group.

37th Bled eConference resilience through digital innovation: enabling the twin transition: June 9 – 12, 2024, Bled, Slovenia, conference proceedings, Maribor: University of Maribor 2024 : 453-462
Wahlroos, Alex; Freidovich, Leonid; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
IVSP '23: proceedings of the 2023 5th international conference on image, video and signal processing, New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2023 : 183-190
Mejtoft, Thomas; Emma, Parsjö; Norberg, Ole; et al.
IVSP '23: Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing, ACM Digital Library 2023 : 95-100
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lindahl, Håkan; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023
Mejtoft, Thomas; Vejbrink Starbrink, Nike; Roos Morales, Carla; et al.
36th Bled eConference – digital economy and society: the balancing actfor digital innovation in times of instability, Maribor: University of Maribor, University Press 2023 : 393-405
Rosenlind, Emma; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023 : responsible technology, community, culture, and sustainability
Söderström, Ulrik; Harlin, Olivia; Norberg, Ole; et al.
ECCE '23: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023
Tjärnhage, Anja; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2022
Malhotra, Aman; Söderström, Ulrik
ECCE '22: proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Söderström, Ulrik; Larsson, William; Lundqvist, Max; et al.
34th Bled eConference: Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change: conference proceedings, Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press 2021 : 397-408
Mejtoft, Thomas; Frängsmyr, Erik; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
34th Bled econference: digital support from crisis to progressive change: conference proceedings, Maribor: University of Maribor University Press 2021 : 405-416
Mejtoft, Thomas; Hedlund, Jonathan; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lagerhjelm, Linus; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 2 / 2021
Mejtoft, Thomas; Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; et al.
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2021, Vol. 38, (4) : 393-411
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Mejtoft, Thomas; Tovedal, Sofia; et al.
33rd Bled eConference - Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society: June 28 – 29, 2020, Online Conference Proceedings, Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press 2020 : 147-158
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lindmark, Tonje; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 1/2020
Söderström, Ulrik; Freidovich, Leonid B.; Nordström, Tomas; et al.
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 2 / 2020
Söderström, Ulrik; Norberg, Ole; Nordström, Tomas; et al.
ECCE 2019: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, New York, NY: ACM Press 2019 : 41-44
Mejtoft, Thomas; Hale, Sarah; Söderström, Ulrik
32nd Bled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings, Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press 2019 : 411-425
Mejtoft, Thomas; Hellman, David; Söderström, Ulrik
32nd Bled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Societ: Conference Proceedings, Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press 2019 : 427-442
Mejtoft, Thomas; Ristiniemi, Charlotte; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, New York, NY: ACM Press 2019 : 92-95
Söderström, Ulrik; Carlsson, Lovisa; Mejtoft, Thomas
Interaction and Media Technology Report Series, 1/2019
Söderström, Ulrik; Freidovich, Leonid B.
ECCE 2019: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, New York, NY: ACM Press 2019 : 108-113
Söderström, Ulrik; Hellman, Måns; Mejtoft, Thomas
ECCE 2019: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: ‘Design for Cognition’, New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2019 : 49-52
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Songyu; Claxton, Harry L.; et al.
Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Mejtoft, Thomas; Långström, Arvid; Söderström, Ulrik
Proceedings från 6:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Göteborg: Chalmers tekniska högskola 2018 : 94-96
Mejtoft, Thomas; Söderström, Ulrik
Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Söderström, Ulrik; Bååth, Martin; Mejtoft, Thomas
ANZMAC 2017: Marketing for Impact: Conference Proceedings, Melbourne: RMIT University 2017 : 271-278
Mejtoft, Thomas; Cripps, Helen; Bahtiri, Blerand; et al.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017 (ECCE 2017), ACM Digital Library 2017 : 113-120
Mejtoft, Thomas; Lindberg, Lena; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Computer Vision: ECCV 2016 Workshops, Springer 2016 : 490-503
Khan, Muhammad Sikandar Lal; ur Réhman, Shafiq; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and Applications, Vol. 7, (7) : 582-589
Kouma, Jean-Paul; Söderström, Ulrik
Electronics Letters, John Wiley & Sons 2016, Vol. 52, (3) : 197-198
Li, Bo; Li, Haibo; Söderström, Ulrik
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition : 843-848
Darvish, Ali Mohammed; Li, Haibo; Söderström, Ulrik
Li, Bo; Li, Haibo; Söderström, Ulrik
The 1st IEEE/IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2013 (ICISIP2013), Kitakyushu, Japan: 2013 : 103-110
Li, Bo; Jevtic, Aleksandar; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Journal of Signal and Information Processing, Vol. 4, (3B) : 158-163
Li, Bo; Söderström, Ulrik; Ur Réhman, Shafiq; et al.
The 1st IEEE/IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2013 (ICISIP2013), Kitakyushu, Japan: 2013 : 124-131
Li, Bo; Ur Réhman, Shafiq; Söderström, Ulrik; et al.
Advanced Video Coding for Next-Generation Multimedia Services, InTech 2013 : 139-154
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 19, (3) : 273-283
Al-Naser, Mohammad; Söderström, Ulrik
2011 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), IEEE 2011 : 276-279
Al-Naser, Mohammad; Söderström, Ulrik
2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things, and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society 2011 : 683-686
Söderström, Ulrik
2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things, and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society 2011 : 109-113
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Effective Video Coding for Multimedia Applications, InTech Open 2011 : 95-110
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
International Journal of Image and Graphics, World Scientific Publishing Company 2010, Vol. 10, (3) : 343-363
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Image analysis: 16th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2009, Oslo, Norway, June 15-18, 2009. Proceedings, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin 2009 : 500-512
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg 2009 : 295-314
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Electronics Letters, Vol. 44, (4) : 276-277
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
IASTED International conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications
Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo
Proceedings of the 25th Picture Coding Symposium
Son, Le-Hung; Söderström, Ulrik; Li, Haibo

Research groups

Group member

Research projects

1 January 2010 until 31 December 2013