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Solomia Coaching

Image: Malin Grönborg

Solomia Coaching is a individual program solely for you as a young woman who is an enrolled student at any of USBE's programs.

At the core of a sustainable leadership, and good health and wellbeing is self-leadership. The aim of this program is to increase your ability to develop and maximise your personal as well as professional potential.

On an individual level the aim of the program is to lift and support young women in academia, and to strengthen their ability to reach their dreams and aspirations. A contribution to equality when a longterm social ambition of the program is to contribute to a better balance between the sexes when it comes to senior positions within the public as well as the private labour market.


The coaching process is a goal and action oriented process that strengthens self-leadership. It is also a method, a communicative approach and tool that creates a powerful process that enables effective communication, active action and clear results.

Coaching uncovers what is truly important and examines and explores different opportunities and perspectives. It could be everything from goal setting, challenges, conflicts and approaches to find drive and purpose. Coaching creates mindfulness, provides insight and facilitates goals that leads to taking action that delivers results and personal development.

Note that coaching should not be used instead of counseling for legal, financial and medical matters. The program is led by certified coaches, represented by both SHIFT Education and Esam.

What can you expect as a participant?

  • A thought provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximise your
    personal and professional potential.
  • To promote, identify and develop personal, professional and business related goals, as well as uncover and initiate goal fulfilling strategies.
  • A communicative method that creates insightfulness, personal presence as well as enables new perspectives.
  • A strengthened self-leadership, which in turn promotes a sustainable leadership and a more sustainable approach to life.

Overview and criteria

This is an annual, voluntary program, that is outside the standard curriculum. The program consists of six coaching sessions scheduled throughout its 12-month duration. Each session lasts for 45 minutes and is conducted over the phone. Following every coaching session, the individual will receive exercises, strategies, or approaches to practice before the next session. Language is Swedish or English. Please note that you can apply from your 3rd semester as earliest. The application is made through a digital application process which includes a brief questionnaire as well as CV. The last day to apply is April 30th. Elected participants will be notified before the end of May and the program will commence at the autumn term.

Up to 10 students will be elected, on the basis of their ability to grow within the program as well as on the program's ability to make a significant contribution to the student. This assessment criteria is based on the overall purpose of the program as well as mutually agreed upon objectives. A participant who does not fulfill the commitment of the program can be removed at the discretion of the program coordinator.

Apply here


E-mail: solomia.usbe@umu.se

Latest update: 2024-06-14