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Publikationer i statistik
Publikationer i statistik
Estimation of the postoperative fatality window in colorectal cancer surgery
BJS Open
, Oxford University Press 2025, Vol. 9, (1)
Rutegård, Martin; Matthiessen, Peter; Rutegård, Jörgen; et al.
Risk of renal complications and death in young and middle-aged Swedes with parental type 1 diabetes: a nation-wide, prospective cohort study
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2025, Vol. 13, (1)
Fredriksson, Marie; Persson, Emma; Möllsten, Anna; et al.
Mortality in ischaemic stroke patients without standard modifiable risk factors: an analysis of the Riksstroke registry
European Stroke Journal
Beharry, James; Yogendrakumar, Vignan; Barros, Guilherme; et al.
Extensions and applications of item response theory
Statistical studies
, 60
Wallmark, Joakim
Generalized kernel equating with applications in R
Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Wiberg, Marie; González, Jorge; von Davier, Alina A.
Covariate balancing for causal inference on categorical and continuous treatments
Econometrics and Statistics
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 33 : 304-329
Lee, Seong-ho; Ma, Yanyuan; de Luna, Xavier
Stöd för ämnesintegrerat skrivande i en statistikutbildning
NU2024: Program
Meister, Kadri; Schelin, Lina; Karlsson, Maria
Validation of clinical T stages and of prognostic negative markers in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer: data in the Swedish National Bladder Cancer Registry vs. data from a detailed research database
Translational Andrology and Urology
, AME Publishing Company 2024, Vol. 13, (12) : 2757-2770
Wedholm, Albin; Wiberg, Erik; Styrke, Johan; et al.
Occupational-related risk of testing SARS-CoV-2 positive for publicly employed medical doctors in Sweden: a nationwide cohort study
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Fonseca Rodriguez, Osvaldo; Tobjörk, Emma; Jerndal, Hanna; et al.
An information manifold perspective for analyzing test data
Applied psychological measurement
Ramsay, James O.; Li, Juan; Wallmark, Joakim; et al.
Anastomotic leakage after resection for rectal cancer and recurrence-free survival in relation to postoperative C-reactive protein levels
International Journal of Colorectal Disease
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 39, (1)
Gerdin, Anders; Park, Jennifer; Häggström, Jenny; et al.
Tenecteplase compared to alteplase in real-world outcome: a swedish stroke register study
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences
, Uppsala Medical Society 2024, Vol. 129
Skärlund, Mikael; Åsberg, Signild; Eriksson, Marie; et al.
Reading aloud compared with positive expiratory pressure after abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Global Health
, Wolters Kluwer 2024, Vol. 7, (6)
Holmgren, Erik; Spyckerelle, Iris; Hultin, Magnus; et al.
Quantitative psychology: 88th annual meeting of the psychometric society, Maryland, USA, 2023
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
, 452
Wiberg, Marie; Kim, Jee-Seon; Hwang, Heungsun; et al.
Item response theory-based continuous norming
Psychological methods
Heister, Hannah H.; Casper, Albers J.; Wiberg, Marie; et al.
Cognitive ability, gender, and well-being in school contexts: longitudinal evidence from Sweden
Frontiers in Psychology
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 15
Boman, Björn; Wiberg, Marie
Machine learning for efficient and robust causal inference and prediction
Statistical studies
, 59
Mohammad, Ghasempour
Editorial: Probability and its paradoxes for critical thinking
Frontiers in Education
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 9
Wijayatunga, Priyantha; Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S.; Woodcook, Stephen
Interpersonal violence against indigenous Sámi and non-Sámi populations in arctic Sweden and the mediating effect of historical losses and discrimination
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 39, (19-20) : 4135-4163
Simmons, Johanna; Storm Mienna, Christina; Josefsson, Maria; et al.
Computation of prediction intervals for forest aboveground biomass predictions using generalized linear models in a large-extent boreal forest region
Forestry (London)
Mukhopadhyay, Ritwika; Ekström, Magnus; Lindberg, Eva; et al.
Confidence sets for intraclass correlation coefficients in test–retest curve measurements
Journal of Biomechanics
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 173
Seydi, Mohammad Reza; Pini, Alessia; Pataky, Todd C.; et al.
Foreign-born 5-year-old children with cleft palate had poorer speech outcomes than their native-born peers
Acta Paediatrica
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 113, (12) : 2628-2636
Lendt, Louise; Becker, Magnus; Eriksson, Marie; et al.
Sex disparities in asthma related to parental and grandmaternal smoking habits: a population-based register study
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 54, (12) : 1003-1005
Bråbäck, Lennart; Dharmage, Shyamali Chandrika; Lodge, Caroline; et al.
A family of discrete kernels for presmoothing test score distributions
Quantitative psychology: the 88th annual meeting of the psychometric society, Maryland, USA, 2023
, Cham: Springer 2024 : 1-12
González, Jorge; Wiberg, Marie
Quantitative psychology
, Springer Nature 2024 : v-v
Wiberg, Marie; Kim, Jee-Seon; Hwang, Heungsun; et al.
The potential role of collagen type VII in breast cancer proliferation
Cancer Cell International
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Pérez-Díaz, Sergio; Lindberg, Jessica; Anerillas, Luis Oliveros; et al.
Electrocortical activity associated with movement-related fear: a methodological exploration of a threat-conditioning paradigm involving destabilising perturbations during quiet standing
Experimental Brain Research
, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 242, (8) : 1903-1915
Grinberg, Adam; Strong, Andrew; Strandberg, Johan; et al.
Changes in numbers of glomerular macrophages between two consecutive biopsies and the association with renal transplant graft survival
Clinical Transplantation
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 38, (7)
Nasic, Salmir; Mölne, Johan; Eriksson, Marie; et al.
Socioeconomic differences in patient reported outcome measures 3 months after stroke: a nationwide Swedish register-based study
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2024, Vol. 55, (8) : 2055-2065
Lindmark, Anita; von Euler, Mia; Glader, Eva-Lotta; et al.
Predictors of cognitive aging profiles over 15 years: a longitudinal population-based study
Psychology and Aging
, American Psychological Association (APA) 2024, Vol. 39, (5) : 467-483
Ekström, Ingrid; Josefsson, Maria; Bäckman, Lars; et al.
Developing machine learning-based control charts for monitoring different glm-type profiles with different link functions
Applied Artificial Intelligence
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 38, (1)
Hric, Patrik; Sabahno, Hamed
Developing machine learning models to predict multi-class functional outcomes and death three months after stroke in Sweden
, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2024, Vol. 19, (5)
Otieno, Josline Adhiambo; Häggström, Jenny; Darehed, David; et al.
Strategies for knee stabilising and pivot-shift avoidance in a step-down and cross-over task observed sub-acutely after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Clinical Biomechanics
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 115
Markström, Jonas; Grinberg, Yevgenia; Sole, Gisela; et al.
Incidence and predisposing factors of extra-articular manifestations in contemporary rheumatoid arthritis
European journal of internal medicine
, Vol. 126 : 95-101
Ljung, Lotta; Jönsson, Elias; Franklin, Johan; et al.
How do clinicians use post-COVID syndrome diagnosis? Analysis of clinical features in a Swedish COVID-19 cohort with 18 months’ follow-up: a national observational cohort and matched cohort study
BMJ Public Health
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 2, (1)
Ollila, Hanna M; Fonseca Rodriguez, Osvaldo; Caspersen, Ida Henriette; et al.
Management and outcome in foreign-born vs native-born patients with myocardial infarction in Sweden.
European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes
, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 10, (6) : 507-522
Zwackman, Sammy; Häggström, Jenny; Hagström, Emil; et al.
Variable parameters memory-type control charts for simultaneous monitoring of the mean and variability of multivariate multiple linear regression profiles
Scientific Reports
, Nature Publishing Group 2024, Vol. 14, (1)
Sabahno, Hamed; Eriksson, Marie
Francisella tularensis-specific antibody levels in sera from Swedish patients with suspected tularemia during a 13-year period
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 14
Lindgren, Helena; Liu, Xijia; Sjöstedt, Anders
Stromal type I collagen in breast cancer: correlation to prognostic biomarkers and prediction of chemotherapy response
Clinical Breast Cancer
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 24, (5) : e360-e369.e4
Jansson, Malin; Lindberg, Jessica; Rask, Gunilla; et al.
Whole-body kinematics of squats two decades following anterior cruciate ligament injury
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 76
Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin; Schelin, Lina; Häger, Charlotte
Anastomotic leakage in relation to type of mesorectal excision and defunctioning stoma use in anterior resection for rectal cancer
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2024, Vol. 67, (3) : 398-405
Rutegård, Martin; Svensson, Johan; Segelman, Josefin; et al.
The association between attitudes towards mathematics, students' background and TIMSS mathematics achievement
European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education
, Eurasian Society of Educational Research 2024, Vol. 5, (1) : 13-26
Wiberg, Marie; Laukaityte, Inga; Rolfsman, Ewa
Preoperative beta blockers and other drugs in relation to anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer
Colorectal Disease
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 26, (5) : 974-986
Gerdin, Anders; Park, Jennifer; Häggström, Jenny; et al.
Bayesian modelling of effective and functional brain connectivity using hierarchical vector autoregressions
The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics
, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 74, (4) : 835-856
Wegmann, Bertil; Lundquist, Anders; Eklund, Anders; et al.
Sexual harassment and patterns of symptoms and functional abilities in a psychiatric sample of adolescents
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
, Taylor & Francis Group 2024, Vol. 78, (4) : 290-300
Jonasson, Maria; Wiberg, Marie; Dennhag, Inga
Editorial: recent advances in multimodal artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and prevention
Frontiers in Radiology
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2024, Vol. 3
Ali, Hazrat; Shah, Zubair; Alam, Tanvir; et al.
Impacts of differences in group abilities and anchor test features on three non-IRT test equating methods
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation
, University of Massachusetts Press 2024, Vol. 29, (5)
Laukaityte, Inga; Wiberg, Marie
Surgical treatment of velopharyngeal dysfunction: incidence and associated factors in the Swedish cleft palate population
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 90 : 240-248
Schaar Johansson, Malin; Becker, Magnus; Eriksson, Marie; et al.
The influence of SES, migration background, and non-cognitive abilities on PISA reading and mathematics achievement: evidence from Sweden
European Journal of Psychology of Education
, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2024, Vol. 39 : 2935-2951
Boman, Björn; Wiberg, Marie
Do reductions of daily activities mediate the relationship between COVID-19 restrictions and mental ill-health among older persons in Europe?
Aging & Mental Health
, Routledge 2024, Vol. 28, (7) : 1058-1065
Fors Connolly, Filip; Olofsson, Jenny; Josefsson, Maria
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