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CERE seminarium - Hyoungsuk Lee

Tid Onsdag 31 maj, 2023 kl. 13:00 - 14:00
Plats Kronan, SLU

Titel: Why does the manufacturing industry in Korea produce CO2 more?: Policy risks and governance factor

Abstract: To achieve carbon neutrality, the Korean government has promoted regulatory policies on the transition toward a carbon neutrality in 2050. As an export-driven country with a high reliance on the manufacturing industry (27.9% of GDP), Korea faces significant challenges in achieving its national GHG reduction targets. Therefore, this study examined total factor carbon efficiency (TFCE) of the Korean manufacturing industry for feasible solutions toward a carbon neutral economy. For this purpose, we adopted the meta-frontier sequential slack-based model (M-SSBM) to reflect group heterogeneity coming from industrial characteristics. 35 subsectors of manufacturing industrial data were collected from 2012 to 2019, which were classified under three groups: technology-intensive, capital-intensive, and labor-intensive. TFCE average of whole industry shows downtrend, implying environmental regime is not workable. Meanwhile, TFCE of three groups commonly showed a good performance in group-frontier, but it showed different value and ranking in meta-frontier. Especially, capital-intensive group which includes big emitter sectors showed the worst performance. To obtain a feasible political implication, panel tobit regression was conducted in the second stage. Result shows that export is significantly related to enhancing TFCE, implying the global market pressure makes companies to actively increase their environmental performance.

CERE är ett inter-disciplinärt forskningscenter inom området miljö och naturresursekonomi i Umeå. Centret, som är lokaliserat vid Handelshögskolan, Umeå Universitet, är ett samarbete mellan Umeå universitet och Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, SLU. Var för sig är universiteten ledande inom området miljö och naturresursekonomi, tillsammans stärks forskningsmiljön ytterligare.

Arrangör: CERE, Handelshögskolan
Evenemangstyp: Seminarium

Talare: Hyoungsuk Lee, Green school, Korea University