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Delta på nästa Biobank Cohort Forum webbinarium!

Tid Torsdag 12 maj, 2022 kl. 12:00 - 13:00
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We welcome Prof. dr. Sverker Holmgren, Chalmers University of Technology.
Sverker Holmgren is the Chalmers Delegate to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Council and the Chalmers representative in the European university network CESAER´s Working Group on Open Science. He has been building and leading research infrastructures for large-scale computing and data management at both the university and national level and he is currently the director of Chalmers e-commons. In this talk Sverker Holmgren will give an overview of European developments in e-infrastructure and data initiatives, including initiatives towards Open Science, and open up for a discussion with webinar participants on the impact this may have on Swedish health research.

The webinar is completely digital and will be live-streamed. Register at https://biobanksverige.se/en/biobank-cohort-forum/ to receive an invitation to Biobank Cohort Forum!

Evenemangstyp: Seminarium