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Seminarium: John Pachankis

Tid Fredag 3 februari, 2023 kl. 10:15 - 12:00
Plats Rum för lärande och via Zoom

LGBTQ-Affirmative Mental Health Care: From Theory to Trials to Community Implementation and Global Dissemination

John Pachankis, Yale University, håller i seminariet.

Sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals experience among the highest rates of depression, anxiety, substance use problems, and suicidality of any population risk group. Methodologically innovative and rigorous research now shows that this disparity is likely caused by the multiple forms of stigma that SGM individuals experience across the lifespan. This presentation will review theoretical and empirical advances in psychiatric epidemiology and developmental psychopathology that identify the mechanisms through which stigma compromises SGM people’s mental health that can also serve as promising treatment targets for identity-affirming psychotherapies. The presentation will then discuss the development, application, and efficacy of one of the first identity-affirmative mental health interventions for SGM individuals to be tested in randomized controlled trials. The talk will conclude by examining promising studies into the implementation of this treatment within SGM-serving settings locally, nationally, and globally with the goal of reducing the barriers to identity-affirming evidence-based treatment that this population has long faced.

Välkomna att delta i Zoom
Seminariet är på engelska och ges i hybrid form (Rum för lärande och via Zoom). https://umu.zoom.us/j/61556532639

Evenemangstyp: Seminarium
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