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Seminarium: Nate Breznau

Tid Fredag 18 mars, 2022 kl. 10:15 - 12:00
Plats Rum för lärande och Zoom

Nate Breznau, University of Bremen, Germany, håller i seminariet:

The Hidden Universe of Many Analysts Investigating Social Policy Preferences with just One ISSP Dataset

How does noise generated by researcher decisions undermine the credibility of science? We test this by observing all decisions made among 73 research teams as they independently conduct studies on the same hypothesis with identical starting data. In this case the hypothesis that immigration undermines public support for social policy and data from the ISSP. We find excessive variation of outcomes. When combined, the 107 observed research decisions taken across teams explained at most 2.6% of the total variance in effect sizes and 10% of the deviance in subjective conclusions. Expertise, prior beliefs and attitudes of the researchers explain even less. Each model deployed to test the hypothesis was unique, which highlights a vast universe of research design variability that is normally hidden from view and suggests humility when presenting and interpreting scientific findings. Although these findings speak to the credibility of science and the humility of scientists, they also teach us something about the specificity of hypotheses in social science and the complexity of immigration and social policy research.

Välkomna att delta i Zoom
Seminariet är på engelska och ges i hybridform. Medarbetare vid institutionen får länken via utskick. Intresserade utifrån får länken via mail från samuel.merrill@umu.se




Evenemangstyp: Seminarium