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Tobias Axelsson, Örebro universitet

Seminarium: Tobias Axelsson

Tid Onsdag 20 mars, 2024 kl. 10:00 - 12:00
Plats https://sh-se.zoom.us/j/63926036287


Välkommen till ett seminarium med Tobias Axelsson, universitetslektor, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, Örebro universitet. Seminariet ges på engelska.

Norm-critique as revitalizer of gender equality?
Local policy actors’ norm-critical understandings of Swedish preschool’s gender-equality mission
In this seminar, I would like to present and, together with the participants, discuss a paper which aims to better understand and problematize the relationship between gender equality, as formal curricular content, and norm-critique, as informal curricular content, in educational policymaking in the field of Swedish preschool. The paper asks: What understandings are ascribed to the notion of norm-critique in relation to Swedish preschool’s gender-equality mission? Theoretically, the paper draws on the concept of epistemological understandings and the dynamic between epistemologies of gender equality and norm-critique. In terms of materials and methods, three focus group discussions with 13 preschool managers, here conceptualized as local policy actors, were analysed. The main finding is that these local policy actors view the notion of norm-critique as a revitalizer of the gender-equality mission of the Swedish preschool. A first conclusion is that the notion of norm-critique enhances the gender-equality mission because it might help local policy actors to view gender equality from a broader perspective and in relation to other, intersecting causes of inequality. A second, and somewhat contradictory, conclusion is that the notion of norm-critique risks undermining the gender-equality mission by replacing it.

Axelsson, T. K. (2023). Norm-critique as revitalizer of gender equality? Local policy actors’ norm-critical understandings of Swedish preschool’s gender-equality mission. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/20020317.2023.2180797




Har du frågor gällande seminarierna,
kontakta gärna Lotta Björkman:

Shifting Grounds

Shifting Grounds samlar nordiska/internationella forskare inom normkritik för att främja det teoretiska ramverket och begreppen för att tänka och utöva normkritik i akademiskt arbete över discipliner. Vårt gemensamma mål och intresse är att genom teoretiska studier ge ett nytt språk och grund för att ta itu med sociala orättvisor.


Evenemangstyp: Seminarium