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Viktorija Kalonaityte, Linnéuniversitetet

Seminarium: Viktorija Kalonaitytė

Tid Onsdag 16 oktober, 2024 kl. 10:00 - 12:00
Plats https://sh-se.zoom.us/j/64756468923


Välkommen till ett seminarium med Viktorija Kalonaitytė, universitetslektor i organisation och ledarskap vid Ekonomihögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet. Seminariet ges på engelska.

Theoretical perspectives on norms and normativity
The aim of this seminar is together with the participants to discuss and explore the many possible theoretical venues and perspectives on norms and normativity, and then relate them to the possible norm-critical pedagogical practices and interventions. Here, the norms and normativity embedded within educational organizations and organizing are in focus due to Viktorijas background as organization and entrepreneurship scholar. The broad question that informs the seminar is if/what forms of norm-criticality are possible within normative organizational settings. Viktorija gives examples of norm-critical theoretical frameworks that she has worked with herself, such as gendered and intersectional subtexts, discourse and post-humanism.

Meeting id: ID: 647 5646 8923

Evenemangstyp: Seminarium