Unraveling Indigenous Epistemologies and Western Science
Tisdag 13 november, 2018kl. 10:30 - 12:00
Sammanträdesrum Butajira, NUS, by 9B
Dr. Rink conducts community based participatory research with Indigenous communities in Montana, Greenland and Finland to address the socio-ecological determinants of reproductive health. She is particularly interested in the extent to which colonialism, historical loss and trauma, cultural norms and structural violence influence reproductive health in Indigenous communities.
Since coming to Montana State University in 2006 Dr. Rink has taught courses in Human Sexuality, Research Methods, Health Behavior Theories & Models and Community Based Participatory Research. Currently, Dr. Rink is an investigator with the Center of American Indian and Rural Health at Montana State University and a research mentor in the Montana – Alaska American Indian/Alaska Native Center for Clinical and Translational Research. The US Office of Population Affairs, the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health have funded Dr. Rink's research. Dr. Rink is a passionate lover of Nature, disciplined yogini, persistent Montanan gardener, and aspiring weaver.
Dr Elizabeth Rink, from Montana State University, U.S.