The KBC Communications Office is responsible for internal and external communications in the KBC environment and for giving administrative support to the KBC group.
The Communications Officers support the departments, units and infrastructures at KBC internally in their research and education activities and help to stimulate interactions between the different departments and infrastructures. Externally, the KBC Communications Office aims at spreading information about research activities at KBC, at increasing knowledge about and arousing interest for research and education activities in the KBC environment. The external communication is targeted mainly towards other departments and faculties at UmU and SLU and at the University hospital but also to the national and international research communities and to the society.
Services of the KBC Communications Office
Please turn to us if you need support or have questions within the following areas:
announcements of events (e.g. seminars, workshops, conferences, thesis defences) arranged in the KBC environment;
informing about other events of interest for the KBC researers on the Umeå campus or externally;
organisation of the KBC Days and other scientific events in the KBC environment;
support in the organisation of conferences, workshops, discussion series, and other types of scientific meetings;
support to the researchers and scientific infrastructures at KBC in the organisation of research courses;
assisting researchers from the KBC environment in press communications, publishing research results and other news;
organising traditional social events in collaboration with the KBC Service Centre and the KBCon Interactive Learning Environment (KBC-Stafetten, KBC Grillfest);
support in organisation of outreach events;
creating information material about the KBC environment and scientific infrastructures and assisting with visitor programmes;