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Spring winter - Gïrradálvvie

From Februari to march

In March - April, the move from the winter grazing area to the spring and calving lands in the fell region, takes place. The forest Sami move to their calving lands in the forest area.

The timing of the moves vary depending on the snow and grazing conditions.

The cows willingly move to their old calving sites. The fell reindeer seek their calving sites on the southern slopes of the low fells or in the sparse fell birch region where there are early snow free spots. The food consists mostly of lichens. The availability of hanging lichens is very important since the ground covering vegetation is not available due to the spring-winter snow crust.


About the artist

Name: Britta Marakatt-Labba
Lives: Övre Soppero with her roots in Idivuoma
Profession: Artist

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Latest update: 2021-01-13