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Sámi seasons

In 2017 Várdduo - Center for Sámi Research at Umeå University and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Umeå University started a project to make eight textiles featuring the Sámi seasons, together with Såhkie Umeå Sámi Association and Sámiid Riikkasearvi Svenska Samernas Riksförbund SSR.

The textiles featuring the Sámi seasons, on display at the front of the Humanities building, are the results of a collaboration between Várdduo - Center for Sámi Research at Umeå University, Såhkie Umeå Sámi Association, Sámiid Riikkasearvi Svenska Samernas Riksförbund SSR and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Umeå University.

The project was started in 2017 to make the eight Sámi seasons visible to the public and to help increase knowledge and awareness of Sámi languages, societies, culture, art, history and politics. The textiles are a way to acknowledge and remind us that the place where Umeå University now stands was once reindeer grazing land.

The Sámi languages shown on the textiles are Northern Sámi, Lule Sámi, Ume Sámi and Southern Sámi.

Winter- Daelvie

Spring winter - Gïrradálvvie

Spring - Gïjrra

Spring summer - Giddageassi

Summer - Geassi

Autumn summer - Tjaktjagiesse

Autumn - Tjaktja

Autumn winter - Tjaktjedaelvie

Latest update: 2024-03-27