Swedish name: Språk och kognition
This syllabus is valid: 2024-07-22 and until further notice
Course code: 1LI071
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Cognitive Science: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Linguistics: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Language Studies
Revised by: Head of Department of Language Studies, 2024-03-12
The course explores foundational issues and methods in language and cognition, such as embodied cognition, linguistic relativity, and inner speech.
The course is divided into two modules:
To be awarded a Pass grade, the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Competence and skills
Judgement and approach
For students on the Master's program in cognitive science: Admitted to the program. For others: English for basic eligibility for university studies and bachelor's degree/equivalent in linguistics.
Instruction for Module 1 consists of workshops. Instruction for Module 2 consists of supervision of the individual assignment.
Module 1 is assessed through one individual oral presentation and one workshop assignment.
Module 2 is assessed through a written individual assignment.
The examiner can decide on deviations from the modes of examination in the syllabus for a student who has been determined eligible for pedagogical support due to a disability. Individual adjustments to the mode of examination will be made on the basis of the student's needs. The mode of examination will be adjusted in relation to the expected learning outcomes. Student in need of Individual adjustments to the mode of examination, should request this at the department no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner makes a decision based on the request, and the decision is communicated to the student.
Grades awarded for Module 1 will be 'Pass' or 'Fail'. Grades awarded for Module 2 will be 'Pass with distinction', 'Pass' or 'Fail'. In order to be awarded the grade Pass with distinction on the entire course, a student must have achieved a Pass with distinction grade on Module 2.
A student who has been awarded a Pass grade cannot be re-examined.
A student who has not received a Pass grade on an exam has the right to re-take the exam (a re-sit) on a course on which they have ever been registered. The first re-sit shall be offered no later than two months after the regular exam, but no earlier than ten working days after the result of that exam has been announced. For tests held in May or June, the first re-sit may be offered within three months of the regular exam. The date for the re-sit shall be announced no later than in conjunction with the regular exam.
At least one more re-sit shall be offered within a year of the regular exam. In cases where an exam cannot be repeated according to the rules in effect regarding re-sits, it will be replaced with another task. The scope and content of such a task should be reasonably proportionate to the missed exam.
Content overlap with 1LI043 Language, Brain and Cognition means credits for 1LI071 cannot be counted towards a degree together with said course.
In the event of a decision that the course will no longer be offered, or if the syllabus has been revised, students are guaranteed at least three exams (including the regular one) based on the previous syllabus during a time of no more than two years after the previous syllabus ceased to apply or the decision was made that the course no longer be offered.
Bergen Benjamin K.
Louder than words : the new science of how the mind makes meaning
New York, NY : Basic Books : cop. 2012 : 296 p. :
ISBN: 9780465028290
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The Cambridge handbook of psycholinguistics
Spivey Michael, Joanisse Marc, McRae Ken
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press : 2012 : 1 online resource (760 p.) :
Table of Contents / Abstracts
ISBN: 9781139029377
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The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics
uuuu-uuuu :
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