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Internationella studenter utanför Lindellhallen.

Image: Malin Grönborg

Student voices

Meet some of our students and alumni, expressing their thoughts on Umeå University and the city of Umeå.

"It's been a pretty cool journey of learning and self-discovery!"

Meet Silvia Estela Morales Gutiérrez, master's student in Cognitive Science from Guatemala.

“I’ve learned a lot about the different directions to pursue after my studies”

Meet Joost Vossers, master's student in Artificial Intelligence from the Netherlands.

"This programme has been a transformative experience for me"

Meet Amy Nwoku from Nigeria, master's student in Public Health with a specialization in health economics.

Ready to take on environmental and globalisation issues

Dohee Kim left Sweden as an independent entrepreneur.

Buddy Programme

“The programme is a great way to meet both international and Swedish students. You make a lot of friends and contacts for life”

Highlights from the Graduation Ceremony 2023

On 25 May 2023, students from 43 international master’s programmes were honoured at the annual Graduation Ceremony held at Umeå University. There was a record number of students in attendance with over 260 students from more than 50 countries.

Latest update: 2024-03-21