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Lunch seminar on the call Socially sustainable housing provision for all

Time Monday 7 November, 2022 at 11:30 - 13:00
Place Online or Learning Lab (NAT.D.370, 3rd floor, Natural Sciences Building)

In Sweden, we are currently grappling with a widespread housing shortage, high prices, increased segregation and deepening gaps between city and countryside. Meeting these challenges is not something a single party can do. We must cooperate.

On 3 November, Formas opens a call: Socially sustainable housing provision for all. This call encourages academia and the public sector, business and/or civil society organisations to jointly explore and develop new solutions.

To tell you more about the call and facilitate collaborations, the Research Support and Collaboration Office and UTRI welcome you to an interdisciplinary and cross-sector lunch seminar.

In addition to receiving information about the call, you will get to hear representatives from three municipalities talk about current societal challenges during speed talks and have the opportunity to mingle with researchers, municipal officials and companies.

The information about the call is given in English, but some speed talks may be held in Swedish.

Do you want to participate?

Fill in the registration form by 3 November, and let us know whether you want to join us in Learning Lab on campus or digitally.

We will offer a light lunch to all who participate on site. And you, please bring your own cup and bottle for coffee and water – a small step in the right direction!


Event type: Seminar
Johanna Gardeström
Read about Johanna Gardeström